You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh33 - This is my wife.


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note

stands for player kill, but also refers to just player vs. player here

Translator's Note

7162 usd

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  1. In this chapter, this reader had reactions with a mix of screaming, swearing, squealing and hysterically laughing. Thank you very much.

  2. I’m so dirty but I really imagine how the dress is gonna be use later on in the future😳🙈

    Thank you for the update

  3. Ah, this chapter was just filled with wholesomeness that I died. Thank you very much for your hard work!

  4. So funny :)) I was imagining WolfPig fierce kiss, aww, I want to be next to Ruby:))

  5. Oh man he runs the club like a tyrant.. I predict the rest of the members, manager included, will want to go through wifey xixi to talk to momo since he’s so much more easygoing 😂

  6. This chapter made me laugh so much 😂 I love our side CP🙈. I can’t wait for xixi to meet the CLM members!!!

  7. Hahahaha this chapter had me giggling like crazy. and check him out “that’s my wife!”

    Momo is like me when people are coming over: “Hurry and clean everything!”

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  8. I want to be Ruby SO BAD right now!! Why not show us the kiss aaah QAQ

    And Mo Chen calling Wen Xi his wife?!?!??! Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Hehehe. Hilarious. Those two macho men dressed as cute Girl is a no no 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. I think I need a heart transplantation, mine didn’t make it, it burst from all that sweetness

  11. Such a fun chapter. Ruby and Magic Xi – I’m envious, they get to witness it all 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  12. Why wasn’t it shown 〒▽〒 my side ship has officially sailed live (altho I know they already sailed behind the scene)

  13. ——Not only did they kiss, but they had kissed fiercely!


    I wanna seeeee!!!!!! Argh!!!


    “An anchor is actually asking his stream follower not to smash gifts on him?” Mo Chen laughed, his interest piqued.


    YES!!! Of course! Hubby’s money, Wifey’s money. To think more logically and deeply. You’re wasting his money…….

  14. HAHAHAAHA i literally enjoyed this chapter oh ghash HAHAHHAHAH

    WolfPig CP too!!!!!!!!


    and the “This is my wife” by MC is so damn HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA

  15. It’s 3 am here, and i had to suppress my laugh, screaming and squealing while reading this chp😌😌😌

  16. I had a bunch of good laugh… 2nd hand embarrassment and some squealing 🤣🤣🤣 this is one of the hilarious chapters I have ever read 😂😂😂 so much fun

  17. Because the person who will come to the club tmr is not just normal person but your da shao ya!

  18. I wish I could bookmark this chapter so I remember to come back and re-read it often lol ❤

  19. I agree with the barrage. That kiss doesn’t count since I didn’t see it! I’m jealous of Ruby 🥲 Anyways, so excited for the poor members of CLM to be fed dog food. They’ll see their captain all soft and smiley 😂