You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh34 - Is this new person really that extravagant?


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Translator's Note

literally, mobilizing so many forces

Translator's Note

younger brother, but not like a biological younger brother, just a friend who is like a younger brother

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  1. Lmao Momo really is spoiling and making exceptions for Xixi left and right xD Also, the team members are all cute so far. Wonder what their reactions to Xixi will be 👀

    And, omg are we finally gonna find out why Momo was late?! :0

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. My ship is sailing smoothly until this question was asked….

    “Last year’s global finals….Why were you late?”

  3. come on, come on, come on!!! I think I really like that kitty baby’s brain hole!! I like these teammates too!!

    thank you for the chapter!!

  4. I read too fast T^T

    Thanks for the chapter!

    Tbh, I’m kinda nervous to know what will be Mo Chen’s reaction…. Hope it’s not bad…..

    PS: His teammates are so realatable XD

  5. What a cliffy to end on!!

    Look forward to reactions of the CLM team mates when they meet XiXi 😘

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. CLM members are really amusing, but they’ll resent Wu Xi If he displaces them in the team.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. I hope that our Wen Xi joining will light a fire underneath the CLM team.

    I also want to hear what happened.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  8. I just bingeread this book today and this is where it fucking ends????????@)!”(#((#)

  9. Are we really not gonna talk about Chen Wei saying that Mo Chen still likes men.

    I’ve got this feeling that that was why he was late.

  10. The way Mo Chen treats his team members is a big No No for me. Like he has to be fair right? But if the teammates actually have done something to warrant that kind of response then fucck them.

    Thanks for the chapter € ^ *^)/// ~~ ♡♡♡♡♡

  11. clearly they aren’t together yet but why are they already radiating sweetheart energy XD, like legit my single dog soul over here is glowing so brightly it might just reach them soon enough 🥲