You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh32 - How about doing a handstand in women’s clothing?


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Translator's Note

literally, pot

Translator's Note

literally, climbed up the pole

Translator's Note

death flag

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  1. The flag has been set, Momo will definitely see all the dresses personally in the future!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  2. Aww man, I gotta wait until Monday to see Wen Xi in a dress…. I don’t know if I or Mo Chen can wait that long!!!

    Thank you for translating!!!❤💖💋🥰💕

  3. omg pls be sailor fuku. for our weeblet hearts pls let it be the sailor fuku one.

    thanks for the chapter!!

  4. I can’t wait for his livestream in women’s clothings hehehe 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Lmao who cares who wears the dress between blue wolf and love pig.. I bet they’ll both end up in it eventually, in private anyway. :3

  6. Magic Xi is lovely despite catching XiXi unawares and showing his face 🤣

    Will XiXi eventually wear all 3 dresses?! Momo’s reaction should be interesting 😘 Thanks for the chapter 💕

  7. Sadly… We can only rely on our imagination… I wanted to see them wearing it T^T

    Question: Do you prefer WolfPig or PigWolf? I think that I’m in for some PigWolf ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I just like the idea of Wolf being a shou

    Also thanks for the chapter!!! 💕