You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh14 - You win


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Translator's Note

ah wo si le-ah, i’m going to die

Translator's Note

in the raws, it says bright, referring to the Chinese metaphor of third wheels being called lightbulbs

Translator's Note

literally, met by chance like patches of drifting duckweed

Translator's Note

explanation is a disguise, and the disguise is the truth

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

literally, smashing a pot because it’s cracked, writing oneself off as hopeless and behaving recklessly from then on

Translator's Note

Mary-Sue, like the perfect person

Translator's Note

literally, the pot

Translator's Note

~14,000 usd

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  1. Momo is so smooth, damn!!! 😍 lol Blue Wolf ships them too~~

    Honestly though, when they get together, they really ought to thank the barrage for egging on Wen Xi 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  2. Momo is like a big bad wolf luring an innocent lamb LMAO- the stream followers are so cute xD Keep it up, guys! Get them together! >w<)9

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. The fans are the real matchmakers! Wen Xi is too naive to go after Momo otherwise!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Wth that’s so romantic???? And they’re not even aiming for romance yet????????? I can’t help but squeal, ah.

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  5. I agree with Noks. Leave the red envelope giving to Momo when he wins the bride with the help of the peanut gallery.

  6. The stream followers are the best shippers hahaha!

    Ah I love Xixi and Momo so much~

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  7. this rotten barrage 😭 momo really just passed him US$3k like water… gamers are truly frightening. oh btw the 10k yuan conversion note thing; it should be ~1,400 not ~14,000 !

    thanks for the sweet chapter!

  8. So smoth ahaha The last scene was the cutest thing ever!!!!!!!

    I love his stream followers! Also mommy Blue Wolf shipping them is gold ahaha

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. “Just, I’ve never met anyone cuter than you.” OMGOMGSHOMG WAHAHAHAHA IVE BEEN FED GOURMET DOG FOOD

  10. ((≧(≧▽(≧▽≦(≧▽≦)≧▽≦)▽≦)≦)))

    Momoooooo (/≥▽≤/)(/≥▽≤/)(/≥▽≤/)

  11. Bro I’m screaming at this point they’re just throwing dog food in our faces keekekek ( ≧Д≦)

  12. I just realized that the translator for this novel is the same as the one for Fanservice Paradox…

    well… anyways- Momo is so smooth like wow~

  13. [System] Magic Xi is still Inhaling Male Gods Today smashed 100 deep water torpedos on you today! Accompanied by the message: “Stop rambling, just quickly go~”


    DaJie is on FIRE! 🤣🤣

  14. Feel like I’m one of the stream followers, blushing while cheering for Momo Xixi CP. Kyaaaa~~♡

  15. Blue Wolf joining in on the barrage fun 😂 Momo really is the best, I love him, the barrage loves him, Xixi will love him… beautiful ☺️