You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh15 - Date!


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Translator's Note

1414 usd

Translator's Note

literally, carry the pot on your back

Translator's Note

莫莫-in Chinese, not in English like in SGH

Translator's Note

Noks: Like this U(˃ᆺ˂)U Hehe. So cute.

Translator's Note

literally, cooked thoroughly

Translator's Note

literally, a meme, like this guy in this commercial

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  1. thanks for the chapter ♡

    poor wen xi (๑´ㅁ`) mo chen… be more considerate y__y don’t just lead him around the nose… or underestimate his mental fortitude… thats for the hand holding stage! hand holding!

  2. [All three alarms that he had set up had gone off before he woke up.]

    Only three alarms? I set over 40 alarms and delete all of them in my sleep when one or two go off 😭 Also, Momo… Xixi is never going to agree with the current execution of your tactic. And thinking he is easy? Oh, you will find out just how “easy” he is to be convinced into going pro xD Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

        • Alarm friends from the past! I used to dream that the fire alarm was going off, walk across my bedroom, turn off the alarm and go back to bed – all while remaining asleep. Once, it was actually the fire alarm.

          I had to change tactics after marriage since my spouse suffers from insomnia and numerous loud alarms scattered through the bedroom would not be conducive to actual sleep for them.

          I founded muted/vibration alarms (lots with different patterns) in my smart watch to be the absolute best thing ever. I don’t disturb others and it eventually wakes me. (For those that this isn’t strong enough, they make alarm clocks for the deaf that slip under your pillow and vibrate annoyingly strong.)

  3. What date? Mo Chen is aggresively trying to reclute him! It’s good that Wen Xi can say NO when he really doesn’t want to do something. I hope his interactions with Momo help him to grow some confidence in himself.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Is he trying to recruit a teammate by seducing him??? Is that how you make teammates?? But clearly his other teammates are afraid of him so that can’t be.. I almost spit my food out when he called it their first date. What a straight hitter.

  5. MoMo lmaoooooo 😂😂😂😂 He looks so cute and soft he should be easy to trick—got slapped with the sentenced from Baby Xi

    One more sentence and we’re done

    MoMo: O x O

    LMAOOo I was damaged by Mo Chen’s “I’ve never met anyone cuter than you’. And now he’s deliberately flirting with Wen Xi with all the darling lol.

    Thank you for the chapter❤️❤️❤️

  6. I was so excited, now I’m disappointed on Momo, I thought you really liked our shou, but you sound like you just care to take him onto your team and use him! Even thinking he’s an easy man! Don’t fall for his tricks Xixi!! Resist!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  7. I hope Wen Xi doesn’t start to feel guilty from the gifts and Mo being nice to him and feel obligated to join the team or whatever. I don’t want their relationship to grow that way, especially since Wen Xi already experienced people belittling pressuring him to do things.

  8. ” Received, go to bed early. Also, don’t casually disclose your personal address to strangers in the future, darling.” …darling? Darling? DARLING!! HE SAID DARLING I CAN DIE PEACEFULLY NOW.. (^///^)

  9. other men when courting their wife: baobei your the love of my life I’ll chase you to the end of the earth if I have to (๑´ㅁ`)

    vs Momo: play professional 🙂