You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh13 - I want to meet you.


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Translator's Note

142 usd

Translator's Note

1402 usd

Translator's Note

so py can apparently either mean a friendship deal/selling out your friends or a butthole deal/selling yourself out

Translator's Note

literally, met by chance like patches of drifting duckweed

Translator's Note

sha bi, can stand for fucking idiot

Translator's Note

literally, a dead duck has a hard beak

Translator's Note

the greatest wrath of the heavens

Translator's Note

literally the pot

Translator's Note

the monk from Journey to the West who is often lecturing the other characters

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  1. Momo doesn’t want to share Wen Xi with others!! It’s like a Boyfriend trying to snatch the girlfriend from her parents hahaba

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Hahahhaa I can’t wait for both of them to meet irl

  3. Momo: It’s show time!

    Also SBW being the “mother” of the group. Love it! ahahah

    Thanks for the chapter!!!! 🖤🖤🖤

  4. Lol so Blue Wolf and Love Pig as Wency parents and Momo as their son-in-law? 😏

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  5. Would Momo smash gifts or let WX choose the restaurant; either way it’s a win win for him haha

    Thank you for the chapter

  6. Why the hell did i thought that momo and blue wolf is the same person!???😭😭😭😭😭

  7. I shall now consider Azure and Blue Wolf as Xixi’s parents, and Momo is the kind thug trying to steal him away 😂 In all honesty tho, I love this so far!