BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh92 - Strange Ability Nucleus


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Translator's Note

sir, keep your horniness down for ONE FUCKING SECOND

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  1. Awww Of course Nie Yi can meet Qingchen’s aesthetics ^^

  2. I wonder if it kind of looks like an awesome marble. Seems these two have a connection beyond what happened so far.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. I had thought that his ability transformed into a steam ability and he couldn’t use it because he was trying to use the components instead of the whole. Like trying to move a single part of your arm while expecting the entire arm to move. I still think his ability transformed but I’m not sure into what.

  4. So Qi Jing Chen’s ability protected Nie Yi’s nucleus too or something like that, huh? That’s awesome.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. If you can’t make him fall for your face, make him fall for your brain.


    Thanks for the chapter !

  6. Oh gosh so beautiful!! the description of their spiritual energies interacting😍

    Thank you for the chapter, can`t wait to see a restored Nie Yi!!

  7. I searched up the (reddish-gold crystal color) and one of the results, with the question: What is the reddish Crystal called? (Though it doesn’t have any gold color in it) and the answer was: A fiery kiss of life and warmth, the Red Carnelian Stone is vibrant love and energy…………………………..I thought it was cute so I decided to share it!