BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh93 - Strange Ability


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  1. I just wanna ask, “Don’t you feel cold?!! It’s freezing in the snows there!”

    Thanks for the update!

  2. She was already explicitly warned not to continue this seduction attempt. This whole family branch is lacking brain cells! And now that she’s disfigured, where is this survival advantage? It was a kindness to allow them along this far! Pity they pushed their luck! I have no sympathy.

    Loving the relationship development though! Jingchen is obviously getting more possessive and caring of his man! Have hope, Nie Yi!

    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  3. I- What. How. I cannot comprehend how she came to that conclusion

  4. How shameless and brainless do you have to be to resort to such disgusting schemes?

    Thanks for the chapter ♥️♥️♥️

  5. Dual cultivation? I hope we finally see how Qi Jingchen ability is going to manifest. Obviously he’s been passively doing something to the lettuce. If it was just something like purifying it, it wouldn’t be growing so slowly. Is he somehow refining it? Is that what he did to Nie Yi? How very Wuxia. Or would it be Xianxia? :s

  6. Tysm for the chapter! 3 updates a week sounds awesome, but don’t overwork yourself (TvT)/ That girl tho, XJC’s cousin, she’s got one braincell dinging around in her skull like a DVR screensaver…

  7. Oops she’s dead. I doubt the girl can survive that. Thanks for the chapter 🥰I don’t want more love rivals I wanna see how the story is gonna develop a happy ending ;-;

  8. Sis……🗿

    No man is worth losing that much oml. I get he’s fine and powerful but B R U H, he’s taken.

    Rip to your face lmao. Deserved.

    Thank you for the chapter!!!!!

  9. I really hope the people won’t criticize Nie Yi too Hard for this….

    I Wonder If Qi Jingchen Will be willing to offer her some of his Meat to heal her.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. That girl smh seems like she rlly wants to die??? Like fr I’m surprised Nie Yi hasn’t killed her yet.

  11. Why can’t some people understand that others’ sexual orientation is simply different? So freaking annoying! It’s the same way straight people can’t be force to bent, ok?!

  12. Gurl, a Gay man is forever a Gay man. Unless he bi. But still, he has a lover, and if he somehow falls for you then would he also fall for other women too? Would you still like him? or will you act like a vicious and rapid chihuahua, that is not even a chihuahua, huh?