BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh86 - Resolve


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Translator's Note

red apricot tree leaning over the garden wall; a wife having an illicit lover

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

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  1. Nah. You guys just don’t know the reason behind your So-called-abusing-Nie Yi ah :’D Qi Jingchen is just truly like an awkward and cute little guy la….

    These misunderstandings made me really want to slap all those people to at least clear their muddle-headed brain…..

    Thanks for the chapter! 💜

  2. Lol Nie Yi slip of tongue 🤣

    Thank you for the chapter and take care, translator ❤

  3. oh dear, this kid must’ve nothing but dogblood novels in her skull. If that didn’t even register as a warning to her (눈‸눈)

    really, everyone must remember to check their own status… cannon fodder, antagonist, protagonist, white moonlight, etc. so as to avoid and/or eliminate the destruction flags (๑•﹏•)

    I, for one have accepted my identity as a random passerby R. (~‾▿‾)~

    thank you for translating (人´∀`)。゚+

  4. Now all of China knows they aren’t together 😔. QJC is starting to return NY’s feelings… I’m so happy.

    Thanks for feeding me dog food 🥺🤲I love this novel so much!

  5. Qi Yaoyao is so proud of her brother being moody to Nie Yi fufufu

    And Qi Jingchen licked Nie Yi’s ear!! The flirting is starting!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Finally, progress in their relationship! Thank you for the update. Best of luck with the lockdown. I’m going on nine months myself, so I know how rough that can be.

  7. Oops I guess having powers, although useful, can be dangerous (to one’s appearance haha)

    Thanks for the chapter!