BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh85 - Plan


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Translator's Note

Meri: lighting a candle for bio dad and sister

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  1. oh oh oh oh!!! reaction! vinegar! Nie Yi will be so happy!!

    also, QJC, you totally did it wrong! don’t just read the book, but imagine Nie Yi! i’m sure you’ll have a reaction then XD

  2. Oh oh! Come on!! I’m ready to see Qi Jingchen slap those stupid ‘relatives’of his!! Go smack them in the face that even though you look like you don’t care, Nie Yi is yours!!ヾ(≧▽≦*)o Ah so exciting so exciting~~

    Thanks for the chapter! 💜

  3. Ahahaha Qi Jingchen got his turn drinking vinegar-

    I somehow have a subtle feeling that Qi Jingchen’s temperament is undergoing subtle changes? Maybe he’ll awaken his abilities soon (finally!) or maybe it’s just that he began caring more about Nie Yi xD

  4. ‘To attract Nie Yi into watching’ should be Qi Jingchen.

    QJC doesn’t feel anything reading those books, but If it was Nie Yi doing those things to him would be different 🤣 He’s feeling jealous already.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Thanks for the chapter

    I realllllly want his powers to awake soon, I can’t wait to see everybody’s reaction

  6. Lol, he couldn’t get hard! Maybe QJC is Ace or Demisexual? It sounds closer to demi or greyace, tbh, but it might also just be his physical weakness rather than disinterest in sexy times orz

  7. ohhh, would this be the first time Qi Jingchen would actually act on his vinegar? wouldn’t Nie Yi be happy! till he reads the letter and end up burning their whole family for even thinking of getting between him and Jingchen! people who gets in between this lovers deserves a kick from a horse or in this case, the fire and ice of Nie Shao

    I think they’ll even part ways from this small community without any sense of guilt 🙂Thank you for translating (人´∀`)。゚+

  8. Yashhhh face slap those f up peopleeee

    The whole way I was waiting for Jingchen or any of the followers to day something like

    ‘Hah my dad? I just buried my parents and you dare to call yourself my dad?’

    And that daughter of hers. Please la. Stop thinking of relying on people to live better la. Cannon fodders need to fight for themselves okie. Golden apples won’t drop if you don’t have protagonist golden finger

  9. I really can’t believe the brain holes of such side characters. It was as if the moment they convent someone, it’s already in their pocket! How arrogant! Dude, there’s plenty of handsome guys I like walking down the street but it’s not like I could just grab them randomly and say they’re mine already.