BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh123 - The Stone’s Strangeness


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Translator's Note

I don’t know what to say….

Translator's Note

the actual quote: the skies are first place, the earth is second, and I’m third

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  1. Yayy another chapter from BOSS, a happy day for me. Thanks for the chapter, translator-sama!

    I wonder if the stone was nurtured by light energy, similar to the lettuce? But from where and how?

  2. Bish, what? You think qj lived comfortably in his last life? You made him a human experiment and caused him physical and mental trauma. If it wasn’t for nie yi, he wouldn’t even be able to survive the day the base was attacked by zombies. Not to mention that he could save some humans if you hadn’t sent someone to destroy his base or maybe using his name to create rumours about him. You, miss yao, are the true moster and I don’t care about your”sad story”. In your last life, you still secretly experimented on humans. In this life, you created a cult just to have multiple free supplies for your experiments and a group of fanatic soldier, ready to sacrifice anything for you. You aren’t trying to save humanity. You just want a way for you and probably your lover to survive (the lover still has his sanity though, so I doubt he will follow you). Shadow guards don’t count because they are basically brain dead people now, especially if they are exposed to dark energy
  3. Discovered this story today, and I am OBSESSED. I wonder if this stone stores light energy so that a person can make use of it later? It’s definitely interesting, and hopefully it’ll be helpful in the fight against Mao Yengzhi. She’s definitely their most formidable enemy yet, and since they’ve steamrolled over all of their previous opposition, I’m really interested in seeing how they handle the only person who’s managed to get the jump on them so far. Especially since they can’t just kill her off and expose her crimes– a cult like this would never obey logic and believe that their leader was a bad person doing horrific things, so the aftermath of her death might not be as easily handled as the previous bases. I just feel bad for her lover, who has no idea why his girlfriend is suddenly coo coo for coco puffs
  4. Yao Mengzhi a is a true psycho sure she can ‘love’ but if she doesn’t care about you then no hesitation for how far she will go to use others as lab rats, tools or expendable pieces for her own personal goals.

  5. I just found this novel and love it. Is it still active? I see 3 month comments. Thanks in advance for your amazing work!