BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh119 - Yu Shuo’s Death


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Translator's Note

  meri: lolol

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  1. Thanks 4tc.

    I always admired NY brutal way of dealing with people, straight kill then on spot, very fast

  2. In the following paragragh Qi Jingchen uses the word ‘him’ instead of ‘her’ when that ‘him’ is dressed as a female for disgise porpuses – so didn’t Qi Jingchen just give themselves away by calling that male dressed as a female a ‘him’ instead of a ‘her’?

    Shi Kun was very indignant, while Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were even more speechless… Qi Jingchen suddenly stood up, his face filled with grievance as he quietly said, “I don’t want him to be my stepmother!”