BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh11 - Saving People


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Translator's Note

a game term I guess? It’s when you incite hatred

katie: Yes it is. QAQ So many instances of seeking death. And it’s not even funny.

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

i’m cackling at the fact Qi Yaoyao looked at what Qi Jingchen was doing and thought ‘it’s as if he’s a cannon fodder that’s just unknowingly courting death’ she’s absolutely right, except he’s the protagonist and we all know it

Translator's Note

taking liberties on someone

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  1. LMAO my first impression of Nie Yi being a pure gong has vanished into dust! He really blackened well!

    Also we all have lives so breaks are understandable. Don’t rush and handle everything at your own pace.

    Thanks for the chapters! 🙂

  2. Nie Yi you perv! Lol he can’t do anything in their previous life so he takes liberty to show his concern while also eating tofu now 😁

    Thanks for the chapter and take your time ❤

  3. Although it’s sad he wants to die, I really love how mc gives zero fucks whatsoever.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. When I think that even the flesh of his face was taken and then I look at my body and remember the way Nie described him, goosebumps crawls in my back 😖

  5. Because of my chronic illness I try to stay positive (laughter truly is the best medicine thus my love of comedy & occasionally enjoy some dark humor) but QJC’s “there’s no point in living” is hitting home a little too hard QAQ.