BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh12 - Training


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  1. Shame on you for wanting to have only benefits without any responsibilities.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. nie yi grabbing some water mana crystals and gripping them tightly, trying his hardest absorb them as well as his group silently watches his hair catch on fire from how hard he is trying.

  3. Thanks for the chapter!

    I love Nie Yi pampering his darling

    ❤ Qi Jingchen certainly deserves to be treated this gently

  4. Four months have passed since I read the last chapter 😱 Time to catch up.

    So many People Just want to be protected and do nothing for the group. Ugh. I hope Nie Yu’s methods can get rid the group of them.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. So glad this chapter is so light hearted compared to the earlier ones. I’m patiently waiting for Yan zhe’s end

  6. QJC definitely deserves NY’s love and pampering, but TBH I can see why the others hate him LMAO. If I was one of the cannon fodders who didn’t know his backstory and saw him acting like that, I would probably die of anger😂

  7. Yan Zhe is so fake omg

    Nie Yi being given a cold shoulder 😂 I feel like he’ll awaken his water ability out of spite

  8. When you realize jingchen also is making Nie Yi do this cause it’ll make him advance faster— ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡