Falling into the AbyssCh89 - Blood-colored Forbidden City (VI)


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  1. I still can trust Tanisiel completely T^T I think he is suspicious and though I don’t doubt his feeling I do doubt his intentions. (Idk if I’m just being overly suspicious)

    Poor Ethan, he is so fragile right now and Samuel, he may be scared of what Ethan has become, but he is also the only person he has left.

    Thanks for the chapter!!! :3

  2. God i feel so bad for these two. Ethan lost so much weight and samuel’s brain is glitching. Also that worm is useful damn i was shitting on the queen worm the other day.

    Btw im a little confused about the “you will become the person inaugurating God.” Does that mean ethan will be inaugurated as a God? Or he is the one inaugurating-

    Anyways thanks for the chapter!

  3. I will trust Tansiel slightly, as long as he gets Samuel and Ethan out.

    I always keep the authors note “no one is a good person” in the back of my mind as I read this.

    Thanks for the chapter <3