Falling into the AbyssCh88 - Blood-colored Forbidden City (V)


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  1. Oh thank god the tentacles could be retracted. I was worried sick cuz i thought ethan would be stuck there with those tentacles until him and samuel get caught. Also phew im glad that tanisiel is coming.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Uhm, I don’t know why I felt the strange worm was cute for a moment, either way, it way so gruesome when it crawled out of Schneider’s body.

    Hope they can at least catch their breath T^T

    Thank you so much for the chapter!

  3. Why…. You know what you do with power couples?? You NERTURE them not BREAK and believe me, there’s a hugeee difference between those both

  4. This is fictional world but still the fact we all are so satisfied when Ethan killed all of them… But that’s the best outcome… Why should he and had his friends need to suffer ? Why should they care about others strangers when they death is hanging above their head..

    What he did was absolutely right!! All those people got what they deserved and it’s time for people of all the forbidden City and Earth union too!! That baby worm will be growing up very soon
