Falling into the AbyssCh90 - The Worm’s Pathway (I)


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  1. in a way…. it’s cute, kinda like schneider’s successor in a weird way

    still, schneinder 😔 i wonder what the creepy guy(?) is

    thank u for the update!!

  2. Aw, Ethan is a father now //feels proud// … of a strange creature, in a creepy way, but he’s a father now!

    Why do all those creatures have to be so disturbing?! Couldn’t they be cuter or at least not so bizarre…?

    Tanisiel, Ethan, please don’t act lovey-dovey in front of Samuel… That’s way too cruel

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!! ^^

  3. Lmao the poor samuel at the back was forced to eat dog food.

    Hmm the thing in the dark just gotta be so creepy huh. If i see it, my soul would prolly yeet tf outta my body right away.

    Also aww little rafael shaking happily is so disgustingly cute uwu. But damn it’s growing so fast bruh

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I feel so lost. Maybe at the end of this nocel i’ll actually lose my mind and will need to recuperate for atleast 1 week..