Falling into the AbyssCh113 - Ophiuchus Alliance (V)


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  1. Theonile is so hateful! //Makes angry noises//

    Ethan has clearly done no wrong yet he’s still blamed, at least he knows he at fault!

    If there’s a way Ethan can gain the power he wants without him losing his consciousness, humanity or his real self, I support it.

    I’ll start setting up my shrine for Ethanism today.

    Thanks for the chapter!!! ^^

  2. Damn the audacity of this mf to put the blame on ethan. I kinda wish for azathoth to descend, as long as ethan wouldn’t lose his consciousness. And i shall set up my shrine for ethanism too

  3. It would be funny as hell if all these mfers are doing all this to get Az to descend and either Ethan was always Az or Az is like “nah, man, i’m Gonna keep napping.”