Falling into the AbyssCh114 - Ophiuchus Alliance (VI)


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  1. What I hate the most is that Ethan is just surrounded by people who want to use him and there has been no one who has treated him sincerely from beginning to end. Tanisiel failed him at the beginning and mend it at the end, Samuel failed him at the end and now there’s really no one left…

    He must feel so lonely, helpless and used…

    (I need a manual that tells me how to transmigrate into the book to hug Ethan and slap everyone who has harmed him…)

    If Ethan wants to destroy the universe, let it be out of his own conviction, not because someone is using him as a chess piece (´ . .̫ . `)

    On a side note… Ethan really has the worst father ever, is it to late for him to pretend to an orphan…?

    Thanks for the chapter!!!! ^^

  2. waaah ethan 😭😭😭😭 when will he get peace and quiet bc that’s so much pain…

    thank u for the update!!!

  3. Oh samuel actually has his own agenda now huh. Ethan ain’t ever gonna catch a break from people using him. Man this shit so sad. I wanna hug him so bad T…T yall mfs in this story don’t deserve him

    Sigh but i still wish the best for samuel. I hope they both will achieve what they desire

  4. Didn’t this mean that Nyanthrolep (Ethan’s father) wants Samuel to die? Like because the other egg is in Samuel and it seems that he wants to use the worm to further the chaos. I don’t know want to think what would happen to Ethan now. I’m crying in my heart.