Falling into the AbyssCh112 - Ophiuchus Alliance (IV)


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  1. Damn ethan is unstoppable. Ma man didn’t even flinch. Ethan supremacy🙏 also I hope samuel’s father is safe

  2. everyone else can die, but I need Samuel to be safe. he is literally the only one on Ethan’s side.

    thanks for the chapter <3

  3. I don’t know wether to feel saddened or awed…

    Ethan… He has really changed, and it’s so painful to watch his change, he was so pitiful and helpless at the begining of the T^T

    Roland should get more of this intentional or unintentional psychological torture, Ethan is no longer someone he can mess with.

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!

  4. Ethan,, I cannot blame Ethan for anything he has done actually, it’s all very reasonably and understandable. That hell on earth he’s been into doesn’t deserve to exist