Falling into the AbyssCh100 - The Eves’ Planet (IV)


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  1. Could it be…this god is connected to Tanisiel’s teacher? After all his teacher was the last one to learn about his father and their vibes are similar

  2. oh man… the internal struggle for ethan looks so overwhelming ;; i have to constantly remind myself of what the author said about how no one is truly kind… hope something works out for ethan at least

    thank u for the update!!!

  3. My guess is Tanisiel father have to do something secretly as a royalty but failed and now Tanisiel inherited to do the task ?

    Dah macam saka laa pulak

  4. I knew it!!!!!! Its azathoth!! That lazy and dumb creator..!!!

    I feel complicated now about Tanisiel… But it’s not like I hate him or something..I just feel like what will be his next action.. because ofcourse he started to like Ethan and that’s why he is trying to dwell the time but alassigh let’s wait fir further chaps…

    Thank you translators!!!

  5. lol dont tell me this was all his massive scheme so he could get his dad back that would be funny