The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh33 - Out the Doors


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Translator's Note

出门 (chūmén)

This can mean both: TBYRde

* to leave home; be away from home; go on a journey; to go out.

*(of a girl) to get married.

Translator's Note

扶桑 (fúsānɡ) legendary tree in the ocean where the sun is supposed to rise.

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It can mean hibiscus or mulberry.

It’s the same tree as the one the SanSang fruit comes from. But it’s treated as two separate things in this novel.

Translator's Note

闭目养神 (bì mù yǎng shén) to refresh one’s spirit by closing one’s eyes; close one’s eyes and rest one’s mind.

Translator's Note

通明 (tōngmíng) Lit. well-illuminated; brightly-lit. But some other senses of 通 are also important in this case.

通 ​to go through / to know well / (suffix) expert / to connect / to communicate / open / to clear / classifier for letters, telegrams, phone calls etc. k76r8

明bright / (of meaning) clear / to understand / next / public or open / wise / generic term for a sacrifice to the gods.

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  1. He’s literally a scratching post of the finest wood. 😆

    Thank you and take care of yourself & your cat. Nice pic too

  2. !!! OMG he called him his man!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Good vibes to those cute cats!!! Healing vibes too!

    Qingtong is willing to let Mo Tianliao be his servant, but he shouldn’t take that many liberties!! Haha

    Your Lord Kitty is super beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. You are my man; it is only right to provide for you– haha they’re basically married at this point plus the notes hahaha gahd the Lord Kitty fanart is also nice..

    Awww you should take them to the vet ;v;)/ poor kittos, i hope they’ll be fine and well.. fightoo

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  5. I hope your cats get well soon! Sending heaps of good vibes!!!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  6. Poor kitty, I hope your cats get better soon😢

  7. Thanks for the chapter, please take good vibes: ❤❤❤❤❤

    May they bring good health to kitties everywhere.