The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh21 - Practice


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Translator's Note

一饮一啄 (yī yǐn yī zhuó) Every bite and every sip is preordained.; live in conformity to nature and be leisurely and carefree; One cannot get what is denied him by destiny, no matter how hard he tries.

Translator's Note

This can be hair or fur

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  1. Impressive! Holding onto a man while flipping in the air.

    Can hear the thirst… wow.

    The descriptions of Shizun are lush and delicious…

    Awww, the hairpin to match Lord Kitty’s eyes… so sweet!

    Wow. Qingtong sounds so attractive when sunbathing in full robes. Good on you, disciple, for noticing that your master likes fish.

    Oh!!! Cat tongue!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Lol even though the Lord Kitty is in human form his slave cough Butler is still subconsciously serving him in the same way. 😆😆

  3. Qingtong really seems like a great beauty… sighs MTL sure is lucky getting both a cute and prideful white cat and a powerful beauty, all in one. Us 3D mortals could never 😩

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. i’m so happy that they’re getting along in mo xiaozhao human form, so cute! thank you for the chapter 💘

  5. Ufufufu MTL you eyeing your shizun 👀 keke.. this chapter is so cute <3

    Thanks for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇

  6. Hmm. I was thinking more aquamarine than lapis. But blue. 🤷‍♀️

    Cats tongue 👅. 😆

    Thank you

  7. There is a shop near my house that sells Liuli ornaments. According to their introduction, Liuli is a type of glass crystal. If you search on youtube there are introductions to liuli crystal art. Its very pretty.

  8. the clarification about the eyes looking like a liuli makes sense. i was wondering why mo tianliao doesn’t recognize the similarity of his shizun’s and his lord kitty’s eyes