My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh8 - Zong He: He’s My Partner


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Lin Bo calls Zong He ‘young master’ both in human and kitty form, but calls him ‘Marshal’ when he’s in human form in front of Tang Wan

Translator's Note

have no consideration for

Translator's Note

technically, she says “the bitch whose origins are unknown” but that ruins the flow

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  1. That girl crazy as shit. No wonder your ass still single. Aint as cute as our great MC with all the fluff animals xD thank you for the updatee

  2. Who is that bitch?! Kill it with fire!!

  3. Thanks for the update!

    I didn’t fully understand this sentence: ‘He actually has a partner behind my back, does he my mother in his eyes?! ‘

    The part ‘does he my mother in his eyes’ is it supposed to be: ‘does he even put my mother in his eyes’?

    • I missed a quotation mark in the tn and it deleted the whole phrase QAQ
      I fixed it!

  4. Mother dear, do you not know that in the eyes of us readers, “the bitch whose origins are unknown” is you?

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  5. Ah, the horrible mother reminds me of my own horrible mother.

    Haha, the twins and cunning Lin Bo, 10,000 likes.


  6. I can’t wait for the moment when ZH knows about the kittens that TW wanted to buy. Especially when TW thought that he could hide them from ZH. XD

  7. Thanks for translating

    “the bitch whose origins are unknown” could be shortened to “sketchy bitch”


  9. Ah, esposo es demasiado tarde, ¿quién te mandó a engañar a tus eposa?… cuando reveles tu identidad, que cara pondrá tu esposa…

    a todas estas. en serio ¿por qué nuestro MC fue seleccionado para ser su esposa?, ¿solo por la genética?