The Wife is FirstCh53 - Desperate


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Translator's Note

ropes to trip up the horses

Translator's Note

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  1. Oh man!! Could Jing Shao be remembering how MHZ died in their first life? It’s not the same but the feelings are probably the same, if not heightened

  2. I really don’t know how they recognized friends from foes, with that many People and caos.

    So good Mu Hanzhang got a superficial injury and Jing Shao is there to take care of him.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Jun Qing 😢 excessive blood loss is also dangerous. Please be safe 🙏

    The pain Xiao Shao must’ve felt to see his beloved hurt once again… one time, he died and now, he is so scared to loose him 😭

    I wish these two HAPPINESS from this lifetime onwards 🙏😢

    Thank you for translating 💕💕💕

  4. Bruh, i light you a candle for your hardwork. Lololol

    But anyway, ty for the translation! Good job!

  5. Notes: Bruh these battle scenes are so confusing ;-; Send help

    Ummm, the only general we have free at the moment is Zhao Meng… he probably won’t be that helpful, sorry 😐

  6. I agree! While I like battle scenes usually, I’m so confused right now at what is going on 😭 Honestly, the only thing I know is that Jing Shao’s side is being thoroughly beaten even though he has future knowledge of events lmao

    • Let me try to explain a little bit X-x

      Zhao Meng, one of JS’s generals was sent to go break through the enemy soldiers at Sheng Jing Pass. ZM decided to be stupid and was basically put into a really bad position. Jing Shao swooped in to save all of their asses and turned the situation around. Then he got news that there was a surprise attack on the camp so he rushed back to save Jun Qing <3

  7. Many thanks for the chapter! ☺

    So glad MHZ is not totally useless at fightings 💪😉 Hope Jing Shao will.not blame

  8. Battle scenes are really hard to translate coz it includes a lot of strategy (especially that this is a historical one it uses different jargons or even deeper ones from modern warfare)

    Thank you translator for the hard work!

    I doubt it that after seeing Wang Ye lost his cool not one person in the camp will notice and suspect his relationship with Jun Qing

  9. Thank you for the hardwork! It must be so hard to translate all these military related things.

    My heeart hurts whenever I see Jing Shao so anxious all the time because he’s so afraid to lose Mu Hanzhang once again 😭

  10. I’m really struck by how respectful the main relationship is. Transparency, mutual concern and support for goals, working hard to make time for another…it’s like a marriage councilors shopping list. The story also takes a very interesting take on male marriage (as a method for pruning inheritances). Very logical and internally consistent. I found this to be a very sweet and enjoyable read

  11. Nooooooo

    Thank you for the hard work! It must be hard translating the war scene. Thanks, Dandan and Jules!

  12. Me wanting to be one of the military soldiers to kill the motherfucking guy who hurt MHZ 🤬

  13. jing shao must have remembered that year when jun qing was fatally injured and died in his arms 😭😭 it was already heartbreaking for him to witness that when he only felt remorse and regret towards jun qing that time, not to mention now that he’s deeply in love with him

  14. I was still able to grasp the battle scenes. You really did well. This chapter is really good, now one of my favorites. Thank you!

  15. Dan-Dan – you’ve said that you’ve been struggling with the battle scenes. I think your struggle really paid off. I usually find battle scenes very confusing, but these seemed very clear to me. Thanks for your hard work!