The Wife is FirstCh47 - Shanxia Village


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note

In the picture, the green is the enemy and the blue is the army. As a result, any enemy approaching or attacking will always be seen before any ambush can happen. I don’t completely understand it tbh @-@

Translator's Note

official wife, not his birth mother

Translator's Note

name literally means below mountain lol

Translator's Note

purple cloud

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Dadao means big knife or broadsword lol, how fitting of a butcher/general

Translator's Note

Hao Ji is the family’s shop name, but it’s also a homonym for “easy to remember”, so it’s “Easy to Remember Butcher’s Shop” lol

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  1. Ah, a love slave husband.

    That’s rare.

    Thank you for the update ❤️

    MHZ is really spoiling his hubby.

  2. What are they going to do with the Cubs?! Raise them?

    This is a second honeymoon for Jing Shao, I bet.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Ooooh did our wangfei fell for him a long time ago? Or have like an admiration for our little Wang Ye?

    Thank you for translating 💕

  4. I want the right protectorate and his little left to have thier own names! 😂 So pitiful. Even this butcher has one. Lol

    Thank you again, Dan-dan and Jules.

  5. ¡Hi~!

    May I ask, where did you find the information on that military yoke tactic? I can’t find anywhere 🙁

  6. I become more sad for pre-rebirth MHZ… Imagine that he still remember the longing to play with child JS, and then his married life 😢. He is obviously gifted in seeing the overall big picture. Imagine he had tried so many time to deliver warning of every disaster that befall JS, but got snubbed by that Song cefei and JS. At the end though, he still insist to be captured together with JS. Truly wonder if that MHZ in reality had loved JS????