The Wife is FirstCh48 - Tiger Cub


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  1. Why do I feel like that last “wawu” was like it calling our Mu Hanzhang “mommy”? And why do I have a feeling that “daddy” is gonna be drinking a lot of vinegar in the future? 🤔

  2. Tiger Cubs are the cutest! Getting ready for vinegar.

  3. Achievement unlocked : Get Pet (Tiger) .

    The tiger so kyuut. Wangfei get strong bodyguard. Thank you

  4. What’s Mu Hanzhang going to do with a Tiger cub?

    Those two are cute even Just strolling the streets.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Pobres bebés trigres, espero que los cuiden, en cuanto a este… ¿la llave para obtener a un gran general?

  6. Never knew the tiger cup cried ‘wawuu’ 😆 so cute

  7. Can’t wait for the “Dad who said he never wanted a pet ends up spoiling it” dynamic with Jing Shao. They’ll both love their baby tiger even though JS might have to learn to share 😜