The Wife is FirstCh42 - Wolf’s Bane


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

which he was named after

Translator's Note

So he should have signed Mu Hanzhang, his birth name, instead of Jun Qing, which is his courtesy name

Translator's Note

乌头草: 乌 looks like 鸟, which is another word for dick, and 草 (cao) if read with a different tone could sound like 肏, which means to fuck, so I assume it’s some kind of dirty joke, but I still don’t get it lol

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  1. An update ❤️

    Foolish Jing Shao, you only realised your Wang Fei’s ability now?

    Tsk tsk tsk


    Thanks for the update ❤️

    Love how MHZ can show his intelligence towards the military people.

  2. Aquí veo a un tipo que no sabe que se está metiendo con la esposa del jefe, además de que aunque parezca fragil tiene un buen cerebro…

    Mientras tanto… cierto lobo malo paga por su engaño jajajaja y aunque no lo mandan al establo no puede comer.

  3. Thank you for the translation !

    As a horse is physically unable to vomit, I suggest you use ‘to spit’.

    I tried to post the comment on my phone, but I don’t think it worked.

  4. hi, i’m a brazilian reader. and I would like to know if there is a problem with my reader, because in the middle of reading a section is cut. can you help me? (I used the translator because my English is horrible, I hope you understand me)

  5. Toxic masculinity is the ugliest thing men put on themselves 🙄 As expected, brainy, scholarly people like Jun Qing and people with both combat prowess and intellect like Jing Shao are the best