The Wife is FirstCh15 - Crazy


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Translator's Note

According to fellow TL buddy Vemmy, they lock the passage between the 2 courts to prevent “immoral activities” lol

Translator's Note

One third of a meter

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  1. Thank you for the chapter update! 💕💕💕

    Poor ML….

  2. A tsunami of angst (。•́︿•̀。)at least he has first wife to help him through it. Also blame my accursed danmei brain – he has injured his hand now and will have actual issues bathing ⟵(๑¯◡¯๑). Thank you for the chapter ❤️

  3. Jing Shao, you were so happy the Day before and now you’re suffering. Those bastards are ruthless.

    I’m glad He has Mu Hanzhang at his side.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I always look forward to this story. Thank you for the update!

  5. So..
    Everything is so sudden…
    Even I am startled.
    Thank you for the update ❤️
    Thankfully Jun Qing is with him now.

  6. Thank you so much for the translations. I usually don’t read boys love at all but I’m absolutely in love with this story.

  7. I was really surprised by his outbreak and thought for a moment he went crazy. 😅

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  8. Thank you so much for the update .

    So, the late empress is killed by them. Not surprised 😗

  9. Just found out that you guys are translating this one! Much thanks! I love this novel!

    • thanks for your continued support! I’m actually still the same translator, I just moved hosting sites hehe~

  10. I thought that song Lin whatever second wife is not fu ren. Because Fu ren means madame= official first wife. Is Jim Qing not the official first wife?

    • Hey! Thanks for the question :333 You’re right that “Fu Ren” usually refers to one’s official/first wife, but sometimes it does refer to mistress/not your official wife LOL

      The actual CN text does differentiate from this and they add the word “ce” before Fu Ren which means side/secondary Fu Ren. I just thought it was weird to make it “Ce Fu Ren” or “Side Fu Ren” so I’ve actually started changing it to “Secondary Wife” in the later chapters. I’ll definitely be editing everything to make all the terms be concurrent later on <3