The Wife is FirstCh14 - Green Plums


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Translator's Note

Green Plum in Chinese is “Qing Mei” which is what she uses to make wine, and also why she’s called “Maiden Mei” by JS

Translator's Note

“Peach blossom” also figuratively means a love affair (not referencing any adultery in this case) in Chinese

Translator's Note

A moon gate is a doorway, round shaped like a moon!

Translator's Note

If anyone was confused about how JS could be pushed out of an entire pavilion, Chinese pavilions are very small and open like this picture. They usually also have a small table + chairs for tea + chess, and sometimes are elevated higher on a platform (which is why JS fell down and tried to grab onto a tree). Hopefully that gives you a better picture of the scene :3

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  1. Aaaahh..
    What sin have I committed in the past?
    To be attacked with such a great Meng!!

    ( ≧Д≦)

  2. Thanks for the chapter :’3

    I couldn’t stop laughing at this 😂😂😂

  3. It’s a very cute date! These two are just so cute together, they match so well, really. That last sentence tho, lmao

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Trying to turn a date in an outdoor activity, Chen Wang is so shameless.
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

    Thanks for the chapter ^_^

  5. Thank you for the new chapters and welcome to the new editors!
    All of this good dog food, they are so cute ;w; Thank god Jing Shao got the opportunity to treat his wang fei better.

  6. Thank you for the chapter ❤️ Jing Shao falling is hilarious!! Very powerful wifey 😁 in both culture AND sneak attack 💪

  7. I realllllly wanna climb the cliff so it won’t leave me in cliff hanger….

  8. Such a cute date!! Mu HanZhang’s heart is being moved little by little, so don’t Rush things, Jing Shao! XD

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Cutest date! 👍👍👍
    Da-jie here approves!!! 👍👍👍👍👍💕💕😂

  10. Ahahaha, just imaging the last scene is so funny. Maybe seeing Jing Shao befuddled on his back will help ease Jun Qing impression of him some more. XD

  11. ‘…the Cheng Wang who assaulted his wife with lewd intentions all day … fell flat on his back!’

    “Pfff, Stifled Laughter (ಡ艸ಡ)
    HAhahahahahahaha 🤣
    He deserves it.”

    Thanks for the chapter ♡

  12. Its a common war story, but 😭😭 maiden mei….

  13. I don’t understand why Mu Jun Qing’s name change to Mu Han Zhang out of nowhere!

    • Ancient Chinese people were super crazy with their titles and people often had multiple names~ Mu Hanzhang is our cute lil’ shou’s birth name and his courtesy name is “Jun Qing”. Courtesy names are usually given to sons when they get a little older~

  14. many many thanks to you guys for putting pictures. it really helps because im a muddlehead.

  15. Thank you, Dan-Dan Mien, renysen, and Rilise! ❤💛🧡

  16. The way he was described is just😌👌🏾

  17. Oh. Nice. That was smooth~

    And the translation was also great, seems like I am reading an official paid translations, thank you.

  18. Thinking of his wives: imagine that you are a young girl of that era. You are no one,a thing, nobody asks you what you want to do or be, you are given away as a thing you are. So you against your will enter the household of a prince to share him with 2 other women (or maybe more in “previous” future. You have probably never seen him before but you have to sleep with and serve him well bcz on this your wellbeing dependent. If and while you carry his favour you are fine, once you do not, anyone can bully you. You are not even an official wife, you children will not be official heirs and will be treated worse than official ones. Why on earth would you share death with this men instead of running away the moment you can? As of betrayal, this is a matter of perspective, do you consider that Mata Hari was betraying nazis, probably yes, but do you judge her for that, probably not. I felt a little bit complicated about his wives since the chapter where it was said that ML was married off to MC thus losing his dignity, his future of an official, etc., etc. Duh, bro, this was the life of all! women then if not worse. Idk maybe in future all MC wives will show themselves as totally despicable women, but knowing their circumstances i cannot blame them for not loving him.
  19. Should Probably be Written like this?“People who spread these rumours are jealous of the Wang Ye’s achievements. So all you have to do is find an
    adversary that Wang Ye hates, and write some bad things about them. It’s not important if it’s true or false, as long as it’s
    unpleasant to hear,” Mu Hanzhang’s beautiful eyes slightly narrowed.
    Looking at him, it seemed somewhat cunning. “The civilians don’t care
    whether it’s true or false. As long as it sounds shocking, they will
    always enjoy it and pass it on. When the times comes, regarding the
    gossip about Wang Ye, it will naturally be forgotten.”
  20. just imagining how jing shao was pushed out of thr pavilion and fell flat on his back, that visual alone is so hilarious!!