Thriller Tour GroupCh56.1 - Virtual Hall (Part One)


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Translator's Note

Junyans: 👀

Translator's Note

Junyans: new mysterious person!

Translator's Note

Junyans: 😂

Translator's Note

cicada casting off its skin: a Chinese idiom, describing how “III-9” was able to quickly rid himself of the sticky situation and escape

Translator's Note

this incident refers to how Lin Xi tried to provoke “III-9”, leading to “III-9” causing Lin Xi to have a mental breakdown. (see chapter 1-3)

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  1. This Bai Xiaosheng is very smart just one more steps and he would be correct that “III-9” is a novice tour guide.

    Wonder who “that person” is 🤔

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. There’s still a question of why Travel Services allowed all that. Could it be that his identity can’t be disclosed because it’d cause his relatives to find him? Or was it because someone made a deal with Travel Services…

  3. Perhaps “that person” is one of his family members? Maybe that would explain the similarity in mutations…