Thriller Tour GroupChapter 23.3


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Translator's Note

to tie a white wolf with bare hands: to gain valuable things with worthless things or even nothing

Translator's Note

the short form of tour guide wei is guide wei, same concept as guide III

Translator's Note

2333 means hahaha

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  1. HAHAHHAHA, He was supposed to look/act like evil and cruel but instead, in the eyes of the tourists he ended up making himself look merciful and generous just like an angel sent from above HAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣💀👌✨

    ML is dat u??!! 😱 If it is you then Darn, you’re already making a move so fast? You only got a few lines for your screen time but you already ended up claiming and and letting someone know of Wei Xun’s importance is to you? Down right sneaky there aren’t ya? 😏

    Thank you for the chapter!~ 💕