The Black Saint is My StalkerCh77 - Thot thoughts begone

Han Li went about his nightly routine as slowly as possible. In fact, he probably sat on the toilet for a good twenty minutes while he contemplated all his past regrets and life decisions as he pulled his hair out.

There was a tub in the bathroom, a bit small but if Han Li curled up his legs, he could probably lie down. Maybe he could sleep there instead. K4tGsL

Han Li groaned in despair, staring at the clothes he held in his hands. He had changed into pajamas which consisted of an old t-shirt with a cute magical girl print on it and sweatpants that were too worn to ever see the light of day.

Maybe if he used his clothes as…a blanket of sorts, that would work out…right?

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In hindsight, there wasn’t that much of a reason to freak out. This had hardly been the first time he slept in close quarters with an attractive guy. So long as he remained cool, calm, and collected, there was no doubt that everything would remain fine and peachy.

Everything was going to be fine and peachy. vluq6a

Sucking in his breath, Han Li finally rose from the toilet and crept through the dark hallway and back into the room.

He should have knocked before entering because when he did, Graham was just in the midst of shrugging off his shirt, revealing an expansive muscular back and Han Li momentarily stopped functioning.

But Graham, ever unconcerned, turned around with a dull expression on his face. “Ah, I was wondering where you ran off to,” he remarked with an even tone. His hair had been washed. Locks still slightly damp fell over his dark eyes. Han Li found himself entranced like a deer caught in headlights, all coherent thought having fled.

Stupidly, he blurted out, “Do the world a favor and please put something on.”


No seriously, he needed help because Graham’s solid abdominals were doing weird things to the brain, causing Han Li to short-circuit and reminding him that the last time he rubbed one out was several days ago.

Suddenly, he was struck with a keen desire to bash his head into the wall. This was no longer a random stranger for Han Li to feast his eyes on anymore and for some reason, it just made things so, so much worse.

“I was not aware that I was that unsightly,” Graham hummed, without even the slightest hint of upset.

Han Li felt his cheeks heat, his eyes trailing downward, only to fall on the sweatpants that Graham donned, tight around the muscular slopes of his thighs. He gulped. “Yeah, way to make a dude feel bad,” Han Li tried desperately to deflect, fumbling to mask the horror in his voice. “No matter how hard I try, I won’t be able to get a body like that.” d3RN0g

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

C rboa mtemxif gfjmtfv tlr fjgr. Lf mbeiv jirb tfjg atf gerailcu bo ojyglmr, Xgjtjw kjr rtgeuulcu bc j a-rtlga.

“Ufgtjqr sbe jgf cba agslcu tjgv fcbeut,” Xgjtjw qblcafv bea jr tf rja vbkc bc atf yfv. Obbxlcu mibrfg, atf yfv rffwfv gjatfg rwjii, frqfmljiis obg atf akb bo atfw. Ljc Ol wjvf j ojmf jcv tf wjs bg wjs cba tjnf ibbxfv xlcv bo mbcralqjafv.

“Whatever,” Han Li grumbled, not really wanting to stare at Graham’s body any more than he already was. There was clearly something wrong with his brain but maybe that was something to do with being a nineteen-year-old boy.

Ignoring all thot thoughts, Han Li decided the most logical thing to do in this situation was to pretend like everything was all fine and normal. 1DLXrV

Everything was fine and normal right!?

Maybe they weren’t, but he could definitely pretend that they were. And thus, he hopped right into bed and pulled the covers right over his head. A second later, a small “good night,” was uttered from his lips.

Graham only stared, with one brow raised with apparent amusement at the rounded blob that so quickly hid beneath the covers, like a frightened hare that sought cover in its burrow.

Cute. But that was a given. Han Li always proved to be rather adorable. Chuckling to himself, the Saint of Eternity reached over to switch off the lamp, dousing the room in night’s darkness. He, too, slid beneath the covers. de8rnV

There was a brief itch that flitted about his mind, Graham wanted to tease Han Li some more.

It was too easy. Tempting.

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But he refrained. Graham had enough self-awareness to understand that his actions ultimately did not contribute kindly to Han Li’s mental state. After all, it was not kind to lead another person on.

So he closed his eyes and eased his thoughts. The Saint of Eternity fell into sleep rather quickly, back against the bed. His breath evened out but Han Li’s did not. DqSnwm

He fidgeted under the covers and even with eyes resolutely shut, Han Li found that he was hyper-focused on the rise and fall of the bedsheets. Shit, was it normal to be attracted to the mere sound of someone’s breathing?

No, he had to think of happy thoughts, or just really unsexy ones. Han Li did his best to summon the image of an angry granny in his mind, one that hated and shouted at small children and dogs.

But somehow his mind found its way to grandfathers which subsequently found its way right back to Graham Astley. Graham Astley was likely older than any grandfather that Han Li had ever met, but was still hotter than anyone even remotely close to Han Li’s age.

Why was the world so unfair? Han Li wanted to cry from despair. E5NdJq

All he could do was lie there and pray that he might magically forget about Graham’s presence, that something else might inspire his mind to trickle down into a peaceful, nightly rest. And something that was preferably not the howling wolves that sang loudly outside the cabin walls, thank you very much.

Thot thoughts begone! Thot thoughts begone! Simping reserved for fuckable men only, Han Li chanted in his head. Mind you, Graham was very fuckable— wait no, no he wasn’t. Graham was entirely off-limits and someone that Han Li considered… a friend? Would it be right to call them friends?

Han Li would like to be friends.

Friends sounded like a good idea. The friend-zone was a comfortable place to be— 0bhdEm

Wait, what the heck was he thinking about again?

Whatever the case, Han Li kind of wished he was buried six feet under, instead of lying in the same bed as one Graham Astley. Anything else was infinitely better. He groaned, burying his face into the pillow in despair. There was a time when he was the top prospect at Saint August’s Orphanage. When he prided in his high scores and superb results. When he was the serious one between himself and Laura—

Where did those days go?

Since when did he devolve into a clown? omeYZB

With a sigh, laid in bed and recalled his teenage years at the orphanage. He recalled the rush, the desperation, the obsession with scores, grades, and sponsors. And then the eventual crash, the rumors, the stigma, his own blood that he could never quite outrun.

Simping sure turned to angsting real damn fast and Han Li still couldn’t quite find the peaceful promise of rest.

He sighed. Back at Saint August’s in his darkest days, he would always spend his nights surfing through anime and manga, fantasizing about 2D men.

So he shifted around, searching for his phone. But before he could find it, the weight on the mattress shifted. Han Li froze, fearing to even breathe. A solid weight found itself over Han Li’s waist and he might just be on the verge of popping a boner from that alone. jAV2iU

A soft breath tickled his nape and Han Li was short-circuiting all over again. The warmth spread, inspiring goosebumps to rise on his flesh and his veins to tingle with itch.

For a moment he felt anger stir, annoyed that the Saint of Eternity would take his pranking this far. After all, it was no secret that Graham enjoyed riling him up. But it soon became apparent with the slow and languid breathing that Graham was indeed asleep.

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Just great.

With a scowl, he tried to wiggle himself free and pry the offending arm off of his waist. But just as he was finally getting a bit of leeway, an annoyed grumble sounded from behind. Graham tightened his hold, bringing Han Li’s back flush against his chest. UITvMY

He swore that his heart was roaring in his chest, embarrassment flush across his skin. With just a bit of movement and—

Fuck! Why was Han Li hyper-aware of Graham’s hips? He wanted to die out of embarrassment.

No, he could not allow this to continue. Reigning in his panic, Han Li decided to go about this slowly, trying to worm his way out of Graham’s grasp like a slippery eel.

Yeah, no, that didn’t work either. LwyJZM

That damned Saint of Eternity! A muscular thigh flung over Han Li’s leg, effectively trapping him in place and pulling his bottom flush against the curve of solid hips.

Soft lips pressed against Han Li’s nape and he shuddered from the horror of it all.

Graham’s voice was sleep-addled and soft. “Aoibhinn…”

Author: this is your author, your author is dead. LOL WEEPS. That aside, I uh…. well…erm…. i-i have nothing to say for myself. 61DmnQ

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  1. I just KNEW he was going to say that !! Poor Han Li, didn’t even notive his own feelings and probably already broken-hearted…. 🥲

    Thanks for the chapter~

  2. Thank you for the chapter~

    Schreeeeee what a turn off for Han Li hahahhahah. Grams is off-limits for the time being~

  3. “thot thoughts” LOL

    but also that last sentence, ahhhh that trope that your love interest is calling someone else’s name…. knife to gramps

  4. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! runs into a brick wall that isn’t Graham

    Mmm. I still am placing bets that Han Li is Aoibhinn’s reincarnation. You don’t get a half-demon puppy from an … immortal crazy momma like Han Li’s momma without a reason, right?

  5. It was going and going, and just when I thought Han Li would burst, it all came to an abrupt stop with a very loud screech. Val, you’d better get up from your ‘dead’ state, because this cliff can’t be left hanging. Thank you for the chapter!

    P.S. I was reading it, while listening to “Fire” by BTS, and thought that it’s fitting, lol.

    • B-BURST YOU S-SAY…….. ahem.

      I-I feel like I’m stuck in a permanent dead state. Maybe…this means that I’m a zombie!?!?

      insert more korean lyrics that I cannot sing

  6. I didn’t see it coming and was throughly enjoying Han Li’s commentary and slam it was heartbreaking 💔 the end all the teasing that gramps did has given rise to all of his thoughts and now it’s depressing can’t wait for the update…..thanks

  7. I have a few things to say! haha

    1) I like that Graham is self aware enough to know that, at this point in time, he would only lead Han Li on

    2) Not gonna lie. when my ex and I were doing the long distance thing, one of my favorite things to do was to listen to him breathe as he slept

    3) fantasizing about 2D men +1 (I feel you, Han Li)

    and finally, eyes Val, I know Graham isn’t in the wrong in this, but I hope he explains things clearly to Han Li. (doubtful tho, because he is Graham Assholey…)

    thanks for the chapter <3

    • H-he has some level of self-awareness T__T in the end he still kinda just does whatever and trolls people…
      and oh that’s really cute!! T o T too bad uh, Graham isn’t Han Li’s boyfriend so Han Li will just have to stick to the 2D variety for now

  8. Como íbamos de bien…hasta que llamó su aoibin o como se diga…jajjaja…no se sabe quién está peor…si nosotros los lectores esperando esta otra clase, hermosa, exictante…tentadora acción…o el pobre Han Lin…qeu nada de nada… (porqué siempre es menos censurado un descuatizamiento que el sexo?)