The Submissive EmperorCh49 - Getting Fresh


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Translator's Note

Shou sui (守岁) means to stay up all night on New Year’s eve. The belief was that if you did this, you would be able to extend your parents’ lifespan. It was an act of filial piety to shou sui.

Translator's Note

Recap that Saosao is how you would address your older brother’s wife.

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  1. Lou Jing acting pitiful bullied little wife with Xiao Chengjun 😂 He’s so dramatic…

    Alas! It’s a pity we couldn’t see third Prince getting kicked into the pond and go for a swim in the middle of a winter night … What a pity. …

    Thanks for the chapter 💖

  2. I love how Lou Jing can be so dramatic XDD he knows when to play as the husband and when to be the disrespected wife

    “Husband, look he tried to seduce me!” -falls into his arms-

    Thanks for the chapter ^^)/

  3. Thanks for the chapter. I am impressed by how fast the chapters are released for this story ^^ I have been reading this book for a few weeks and it is my first comment. I love the characters, especially Lou Jing because he is witty and knows when to act as a husband or a wife depending on the situation. I could not stop laughing when his friend Zhao Xi had to dress like a girl to get in a nunnery. I know that the story will be even better in the future, just like the 3rd Prince trying to force Lou Jing, his “former sister-in-law”, into a marriage with him ^^

  4. The Third Prince opened his big mouth and out came all his twisty little ideas. Sheez. Chengjun’s timing was off—the lake could have used a late snack, too!!

  5. His lips were moist under the moonlight because LJ just scarfed down some chicken drumsticks, you horny prince! Hands off!😂

  6. Third prince go !just go ,I can already tell your an idiot!! Definitely a frog listing after a swan. Hmph!!

  7. Lou Jing tuvo una hora esperando a esa patetica excusa de principe mientras él bebia y comia pollo, cuanto lo amo ❤

    ¿Admites que te gustó el día de su boda? ¿Puedes ser más descarado?

    No importa si no es en ese momento pero en cualquier otro día puedes tirarlo al agua, cuando se vuelvan a casar así deberían de festejar

  8. mwahaha. husband came to the rescue! but i also want to see that lecher prince thrown into the cold water. heh. too bad.

  9. Why oh why has our Dianxia have to come so soon. Little Jing-er should have been able to push that hideous Third prince into the freezing pond. sigh