The Submissive EmperorCh48 - Immortality Pills


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Translator's Note

Barefoot doctors (赤脚医生) were healthcare providers who underwent basic medical training and worked in rural villages in China. They included farmers, folk healers, rural healthcare providers, and recent middle or secondary school graduates who received minimal basic medical and paramedical education. Their purpose was to bring healthcare to rural areas where urban-trained doctors would not settle. They promoted basic hygiene, preventive healthcare, and family planning. They also treated common illnesses. The name comes from southern farmers, who would often work barefoot in the rice paddies, and simultaneously worked as medical practitioners. Explanation credits: Wikipedia

Translator's Note

A dilong is an underfloor heating system, kind of the like the Korean ondol underfloor heating system.

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  1. Lou Jing, the future Empress’s favourite hobby: flipping over the walls 😂 “Anywhere anytime I’ll jump over any wall just to see you 😘”

    Thanks for the chapter 💖

  2. I want to dive into the story, become a badass assassin and then beat the crap out of that shitty prince! After everything what happened — the forced marriage and the emperor giving him such a good promotion — what makes him think he has any chances with Lou Jing??? Did he donate his IQ or what

  3. Huuu… that Third Prince is good… mhm, good in evoking killing intent in one xDD Trying to get rid of Chengjin with the help of Chengjun and lusting after LJ Dx

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  4. Sooooooo, the Third Prince’s power play move is to try to have Chengjun poison Chengjin using Tao Miao’s pill? Use poison, when Chengjun is already hyper vigilant about it concerning Xiao Chengjin; use Tao Miao, a charlatan selling immortality pills; use Chengjun, his more experienced in the ways of the court brother… Who created this moron?

    • The third prince belongs to the concubine who’s got the emperor by the pubes, right? So it sounds like he’s got his mother’s calculating greed and his father’s… intelligence 😬.

  5. I’m glad that XCJ can “hide” his aura so well. Even an idiot like that fake Oracle can perceive it.

  6. Im about to explode in anger. I will make sure that the 3rd prince is at the center of it…. and have my friend poison that wretched mother of his for good measure

  7. Nope nobody can handle Lou Jing except his wifey…I mean his husband. Save yourself before it’s too late, third prince

  8. I have no words to describe how much I hate the third prince, the oracle and the emperor. The first ones because they are selfish, they dare to act like the life of the brother doesn´t matter and they just care about the benefits they can have and I hate the emperor because he is stupid and he treats horrible the empress.

    On a happier note, I really like the barefoot doctor, he said things that noone does to the rich people and he did help the brother, he is not gonna live but it is better to have the last months in less pain

  9. This stinking Third prince! 🔪💥 J ust wait and see, neither the throne nor the handsome Empress Lou would ever be yours.