Soul Shard CaptorCh43 - …sitting very snugly in his embrace

Noah patted the dolphin he was riding, and it understood which direction Noah wanted to go from the pats. It slowly, carefully slid towards Levi until Noah was in arms reach of Levi.

“Or would you prefer to ride together?” Noah very thoughtfully suggested. nFCu2t

Levi’s dark eyes suddenly lit up into resplendent pools of blue. The gloom replaced by intense heat.

“Ah, ah, Blackie, see that excitement? Gosh, he is just like a little kid!” (/≧ω\) ♥

Chrysanthemum Garden.

‘Host… I feel sorry for you.’ (눈_눈)

Afraid that his darling would change his mind, Levi immediately jumped right behind him onto the dolphin. What ‘didn’t know how to mount’? This bro was clearly a pro! Ftdpba

Levi wrapped both of his arms around Noah’s waist and pulled the other closer until he was sitting very snugly in Levi’s embrace.

Noah was at first bewildered and exasperated, then it all turned into amusement. Who knew that riding a dolphin could make such a big man so nervous? He was practically clinging to him, Noah, for dear life!

‘Pfft, really like a little kid!‘

Noah bit his lips to prevent a giggle from escaping and decided to feign stupidity. Let this elder brother keep his manly pride.


Blackie: ‘…No need to feign stupidity, you are stupid enough as it is.’ ಥ‿ಥ

At any rate, it’s not like Noah was suffering due to his brother-in-law’s tight nerves. The arms the other had around Noah’s waist were rather comfortable, neither too loose nor too tight. Yes, Levi’s chest was practically glued to his back, but that hard 8-pack of his wasn’t uncomfortable. It just felt warm and sturdy.

Levi agreed – ‘Ah, ah, his baby fit into his arms so comfortably!It’s a perfect fit!’

Wasn’t that proof that the two of them were absolutely made for each other? GlBNT9

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Blackie: ‘I applaud your very conclusive proof. All the scientists should learn from you – if they were half as good as you, they would have long proven that the world was flat.’ 👍

Cmaejiis, offilcu atja ubvis 8-qjmx mbcrajcais geyylcu jujlcra tlr yjmx wjvf Rbjt atlcx atja qfgtjqr tf abb rtbeiv tla atf usw? Yg wjsyf cba, ktja kbeiv tf vb klat jc 8-qjmx? Qtb kjr tf, atf jrfzeji, obgfnfg-jibcf vevf, agslcu ab lwqgfrr? Rjjt, atja alwf jcv foobga kfgf yfaafg rqfca firfktfgf.

Noticing how his baby wasn’t showing any adverse reactions to their current position, Levi fully relaxed and contentedly put his chin on Noah’s shoulder.

Ah, it felt sooo good! His baby’s body was so soft and flexible! So warm! Even smelled heavenly! VxQ2b7

This was the meaning of life!

As the dolphin started to swim around, Levi closed his eyes in bliss. Even if he died here and now, he’d die without any regrets.

No, wait… of course, he’d die with regrets! What would happen to his baby if he died??? Even if he put aside the matter of him never getting into his baby’s pants, if he was gone, wouldn’t some other bastard eat his little cabbage?!? No way!! He absolutely couldn’t die before his baby!!!

On the sidelines, Trey watched the two like a hawk, but inside, his heart was bleeding. He wanted to hug the little one too! He wanted to rub his nose into that soft hair too! QAQ phBiDU

Bodyguard life was so hard! Not only was he unable to play with his little employer, he even had to watch a maniac brother-in-law shoving dog food down his throat 24/7!!!

The large dolphin that the duo was riding on very happily glided near the surface. All the other dolphins joined it in a race, surrounding Noah and Levi from both sides.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Sometimes the dolphins would dive deeper into the water, sometimes they would fully surface, and sometimes they would even jump through the air.

Noah was having the time of his life, feeling like he was on a rollercoaster ride. It was just that… PfMNbl

“Geez, Blackie, what is that hard thing brother-in-law is carrying in his pocket? It keeps poking my back.” Noah, too preoccupied with a lovely dolphin ride to pay it any serious thought, casually asked. “Should I tell him to put it away?”

“Don’t tell him to put it away!” Blackie thought he would die from second-hand embarrassment.

Noah raised his eyebrows at the system’s adamant rejection, “Why?”–he snickered– “You make it sound like it’s his dick or something.”

…What if I told you that, indeed, it is?’ Blackie took a long mental breath before responding, “I am just trying to spare you from the embarrassment. Because it’s…”–Blackie struggled to explain–“…it’s the dolphin’s fin.” Atbx7N

Blackie: (°ㅂ°╬) ‘This pig of a brother-in-law! You totally owe me one!!’

Noah: “…isn’t the dolphin’s fin behind brother-in-law?” (눈_눈)  ‘Oi, oi, do you take me for a fool?’

Blackie’s bullshitting ability was not to be underestimated, “Doesn’t the hard thing only poke you when you slide back? That’s because each time that happens, your brother-in-law moves back to sit behind the fin to accommodate your fat ass.”

“…for real?” Noah squinted his eyes in doubt. ZXxGPk


“Gosh, brother-in-law is so considerate!” (ᗒᗜᗕ)

Blackie nearly choked on non-existent saliva “…Yep. Very…”–he struggled to spit out the last word–“…considerate.”

“Thanks for telling me! I wouldn’t have even known he was so thoughtful.” Noah nodded. Thanks should be given where due. SWO5CB

Blackie: ‘…ok… now I’m starting to feel a bit guilty.’ (・―・)

If Levi had been a part of this mental conversation, then he would have very adamantly scolded the lying AI, “And you should! How could you so shamelessly trick my poor baby?!” (ꐦ  ̄︿ ̄)

Blackie: “Whose sake do you think I’m doing this for?!”  (ノ꒪Д꒪)ノ︵ ┻━┻

“Hmph! You think a man of my intellect wouldn’t secure himself in case of a boner that he totally saw coming? Remember when I was buying swimming trunks? You know what else I bought? – A perfect excuse. What’s poking my baby in the back might be my dick, but I am indeed carrying a hard stick in my pocket.” UNJ81r

( ゚Д゚) “That…! Is actually fucking genius!”

“Mn.” (¬‿¬)

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“But what did you actually buy?”

“What do you think?” ZqNgSp

“…A dildo?” 🤔

“No! Why would I buy a dildo?? The only thing going up that sweet little ass is me!!” ()

“You are a pervert, and it’s a hard stick! It was the obvious choice!” ╮(╯∀╰)╭

“And how would being caught with a dildo be better than being caught with a boner?!” vqxAkV

“…alright. I see your point. Then, what DID you buy?”

“A selfie stick.”

“Dude… I would rather be caught with a boner than a selfie stick!!” 😂

(눈_눈) “…and this is why I’ll be happily riding into the sunset with my baby while you stay forever alone.” wvg4dd

Blackie who actually has no comeback: ‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

Author Note:
Here you go, a surprise bonus chapter. (¬‿¬) You are welcome. 👍

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  1. Blackie: ‘…No need to feign stupidity, you are stupid enough as it is.’ ಥ‿ಥ

    — exactly my sentiments.

    I really want to impart some of my knowledge to noah…

  2. Lolol Trey can only watch but not touch xD And Noah, would you like me to donate one of my 2 braincells to you..? Lol jk, it’s cute and hilarious as it is xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. lee esto lreading this book is very entertaining It is different and very refreshing, I love the dog food that he gives us in each chapter and the fact that we must not suffer. THANKS FOR THE CHAPTERS! 😍