Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh78 - Er-ge


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

about 31 grams, so 15.5kg

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about 0.5 kg, so 90kg

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this grain. Made from corn

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this sort of coin, usually seen strung together in ancient era dramas.

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baked cake coated in sesame seed

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灯红酒绿, red lanterns and green wine. The red lanterns are usually hung at places that bustle at night, and are usually for people with depraved lifestyles, whereas the green wine came from how wine used to be made in ancient China.

Translator's Note

hahaha, in Chinese, his name is pronounced he man. And instantly, I thought, it’s He-Man.

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Yu Taixing

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Yu Taixian

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Yu Taiying

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Yu Fu

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Yu Chuan

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Yu Lang

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Yu Miao

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Yu Qi

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Yu Zhu

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Yu Ci

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  1. Would I end up liking Er Ge… who knows… too early to tell…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. It’s nice to see them having fun!

    The little theater was too funny😂😂😂😂

    Thank you so much for the chapter!😍😍😍

  3. aish…having a big family is always confusing. especially when both of my parents side just big enough for them to re introduced themselves.

  4. Omegee who named them? After getting weird name from their father, they then go named they children like that. Ahahaha are they venting their range to the next generation?