Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh79 - Old Friend


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  1. So… is Xiaoxiao just asking or were the two actually in a relationship before… because I thought it was unrequitted love before…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. Lol Didi didn’t realize how shameless the emperor could be in front of the empress 🤣

    Imo Old Song is totally a skirt chaser slag man so I don’t think they both had any romantic/sexual relationship but I don’t know…

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. Thank you for the chapter!! I was hoping Father Song would get someone uhm… sane to spend his life with and Bernard seems to be my best candidate for now lol.

    Anyway, in my mother tongue, Anyi’s name sounds and is literally “duguan” which means bloody so it’s kind of accurate considering how Anyi would definitely get bloody sometimes😂😂

  4. I knew it! SZC failing his relationship with women… and then XZQ’s name came up! I had to ship the two!!!!!

  5. Hmm is tis really goin in tat direction.Btw,His Majesty is really quite childish.Lol like they said always young in front of ur beloved