Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh20 - Making Connections


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  1. Gahahaha! The little pink notebook. The hilarious movie title and the repeated epic fails somehow all make this date so adorable. Ah, ah, ah. Fish Tang takes every chance to eat tofu. So cute. So sweet. rolls around on the floor Thanks for the chapter 😊

  2. Translator, I dont understand this sentence

    To be connected with this kind of aristocratic family, it was hard not to earn money.

    My first understanding is ‘it was hard to connect with this kind of aristoractic family even with money’. Or, it was hard not to take advantage to make money when you can connect with the aristrocatic family?

    • Helloooo!! I apologise for that, I changed it a bit.

      ‘To have connections with this kind of aristocratic family, it would be hard not to earn money.’ Would that work better? It means that his family is so powerful, if people knew that he had connections with his family, money would come rolling in, even if he didn’t want them to.

  3. Ahhahah “I’ll send you up since you can’t carry the box.” Proceeds to have the driver and guard carry it. This brat! 😂 But aww little brother is there too, good I worried for a moment. Dang that dad is really low. I really love how they still behave like ancient folk it can be cute most of the time.

  4. I’m happy that Song Xiao has a better relationship with his father what he seem to have yearned but his father SZC is still a scum. Unfaithful and so willing to throw his daughter like garbage. She’s a b*tch but still his daughter.

  5. Dugu An is such an hardworking bodyguard he even carries the love guide book. I simply love this side character 😍😍😍😍😍

  6. The people are pointing their anger at the wrong person. Yes Qiu Mingyan got with and had a baby with a man that she knew was married, but at least she was single and didn’t cheat on anyone. The dad on the other hand abandoned his autistic son, cheated on his wife, had a child with the person he cheated with, broke every promise he made to his wife, and also in treating his family like bags of money he can use and discard whenever he wants.

    I hate the dad, I don’t even remember his name.