Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh103 - Proof


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  1. The didi and the favoured concubine…I ♥️ it!

    On another note song Zicheng finally learned he’s a biggest fool!! Cheers every one!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  2. Lol poor Didi 😂😂

    Father Song, you reap what you sow 😤

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

    • From what we know of QMY, and what we just learned from SZC about their affair starting as a drunken mistake. Is it hard to believe that QMY was already pregnant (not showing) and decided to get a rich, well connected man drunk and blame claim he’s the father (especially since people seem to know he has a weakness for father/child bond)?

  3. Snotty little girl will grow up to be an unparalleled beauty. Someday. Maybe. 😆

    Thank you

  4. How many candles did we already use for didi? x’D Must suck to be in the body of a child with the mentality of an adult lol

    And hey, congrats SZC~. You finally realized that you’re dumb :3

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  5. Maybe the reason why SZC and XZQ fought before is because XZQ confessed to SZC? Ohohoho~~~ now SZC knew how scary scheming women is. He wasn’t fooled only one, but twice! Hahahahaha. SZC is now in XZQ’s bag!

  6. Yes… songzicheng is indeed the biggest idiot… i alrdy suspect that she is not his biological daughter from the beginning…and now it is confirm. acknowledge a daughter from a b*tch without doing dna test is really stupid

  7. That’s kinda evil. Knowingly sleeping with a married man while he’s drunk and taking advantage of his weakness to kids by claiming he’s the father of your child (again KNOWING he’s married with a kid). Then the other one SZC was in a relationship with, only got with him to make QMY jealous. One drunken mistake (that may have been planned) ruined this guy’s life. He was arguing with his wife about QMY when his wife left in a fit of rage and got hit by a car. I’m almost feeling sorry for this guy.

  8. and that’s how Yu Lin, this little playboy with a huge harem in his past life, started looking on other girls in the other novel XD

    thanks for the chapter XD