Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To FarmCh203 - Strength Creates Miracles

After his long sleep, Wei Xuan encountered various surprises and unexpected events. So far, the most astonishing thing for him had been the recent visit from the group of foreign zombies.


Fortunately, he had already established various forms of “communication” with his own zombie followers, which allowed him to understand what these zombies were saying and communicate with them normally, even though he was surprised by the large number of zombies that had come to visit him.


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However, he hoped that such incidents would be infrequent. After all, if they kept coming every now and then, it would be unbearable for anyone. He had no intention of competing with them for territory.


Once the foreign zombies had disappeared, Wei Xuan made sure there were no unusual developments in the vicinity and then led his own zombie followers back toward their community.


In the distance, on the streets, he could vaguely see the ordinary zombies that had been frightened away, stumbling and returning to their usual wandering areas, appearing timid and avoiding any conflicts.



Ignoring these zombies, Wei Xuan returned to the community and, after announcing the dismissal, went back to his room with Du Hang to sit on the couch and collect his thoughts.


It seemed that after his recent long sleep, not only had his physical constitution undergone a complete transformation, but his abilities had likely improved as well. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to encounter the small girl zombies again without feeling fear.


“However, do advanced zombies always coexist peacefully like this? It’s much better than the interactions among humans in the base camps,” Wei Xuan suddenly thought. 


Even in the pre-apocalyptic world, there were various conflicts and disputes among people, whether in the workplace or at school.


But look at the current zombie society. They had somehow managed to divide territories among themselves so smoothly! They even came to explain it to their new neighbors. How considerate?


Wei Xuan shook his head, feeling somewhat amazed. However, Du Hang, who was sitting beside him, remained silent, as if contemplating something. Ultimately, he chose not to speak, uncertain whether he should mention the time when he had fought with the most powerful one among those zombies while Wei Xuan was asleep. He felt that it might not align with Wei Xuan’s perception of their peaceful coexistence.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ge Ljcu’r mbcrlvfgjaf rlifcmf rqjgfv tlw ogbw Qfl Wejc’r lcdelglfr, jr lo tf kfgf kbgglfv jcv mbcmfgcfv obg j ibcu alwf. Lf fnfc mbcrlvfgfv fzjwlclcu Ge Ljcu’r ybvs obg jcs lcpeglfr tf wluta tjnf rerajlcfv veglcu atf oluta.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Coafg mjiwlcu tlr wlcv, Qfl Wejc revvfcis gfwfwyfgfv atf ijwy wfja lc tlr gfoglufgjabg kjlalcu obg tlw ab mbbx. Lf delmxis uba eq, qgfqjgfv atf cfmfrrjgs eafcrlir, jcv yfujc rilmlcu atf wfja.

  S QKJd

As he busily sliced the meat, he contemplated what he should cook in the pot. He also worried about whether the meat he was cutting would be enough. He remembered there were a few large bone-in cuts in his home that could be used for soup stock. However, those bones were quite large, and if he hadn’t hesitated to throw them away initially, he would have asked his zombie followers to dispose of them. Leaving them in the community for too long would make them start to smell.


With his knife in hand and looking out of the window to the area where he had stored the bones, Wei Xuan pondered for a moment and then decided to temporarily put his current work aside. He grabbed Du Hang, and they went back outside to explore.


This time, he returned with a particularly long bone that seemed to have no issues or strange odors. He wanted to see if he could break it open and use it for soup. If he couldn’t handle it himself, he would give up on that plan for today. There were some bone-in cuts in the refrigerator that he could defrost and use for another meal.


With his knife raised, Wei Xuan brought it down with force, and with a resounding “thud,” he was shocked to find that not only had he broken the bone, but the knife had also embedded itself nearly halfway into the cutting board.


“…What’s going on?!” When did I suddenly become so strong? I managed to achieve such a significant result in one go!


Wei Xuan looked at his hands, the knife, and the cutting board stuck with the knife blade, then turned to Du Hang, who was sitting obediently at the table, waiting for him to finish his ordeal. Du Hang saw him looking and blinked once, then got up, took a step closer, and kissed him.


Well, even though Du Hang had learned to speak using his mouth now, certain aspects of his reflexes remained the same as before.


After nibbling on his own zombie boyfriend, Wei Xuan looked back at the cutting board and the knife, raised his hand, and exerted some force. The knife, along with the cutting board, was lifted up together.


Helplessly, Wei Xuan had to grab the broken cutting board and try to separate them with force. However, as soon as he exerted a bit of strength, there was a “crack” sound, and the cutting board broke…


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Wei Xuan had taken a shortcut by using a relatively new cutting board from the household. In the period before the apocalypse, who still used wooden cutting boards? Most households used bamboo composite cutting boards bought from supermarkets, or plastic ones. Wei Xuan’s current cutting board was bamboo, and it didn’t have the sturdiness of a wooden cutting board. With his unexpectedly increased strength, a single strike had caused this surprise outcome.


He glanced at his hands and thought of something. Wei Xuan grabbed one of the broken halves of the cutting board and applied force to it. Once again, there was a “crack” sound as the board broke in two.


Wei Xuan’s lips twitched a couple of times, and he then sat down on a chair beside Du Hang. He sighed deeply, his eyes both melancholic and radiant as he gazed out of the window. At that moment, a few clouds drifted across the sky, providing a timely shield from the scorching midday sun.

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“I forgot that I’m already a zombie…” Since waking up, Wei Xuan hadn’t done anything too physically demanding and hadn’t used much strength. When he performed ordinary tasks, he subconsciously used the same amount of force he had before the change. That’s why he hadn’t realized that his strength had actually changed significantly.


Thus far, he had only roughly confirmed that his physical condition had undergone some changes, turning him into a half-zombie. However, he hadn’t realized what the specific differences were between his current zombie self and a regular human.


Zombies possessed superhuman strength and were tireless. Now, Wei Xuan had suddenly realized that he shared these characteristics with the other zombies. In the past, two years before the apocalypse, his strength had indeed increased, but he believed it was still within the normal range for a human who had undergone some training. However, now… it seemed that crushing large stones with his bare hands should be no problem, right?


“Huh? Does that mean I should also be able to jump as high and far as you guys?!” Wei Xuan suddenly remembered the embarrassing moment when Du Hang had carried him to the rooftop. At that time, he had not been aware of the changes in his body, and he hadn’t experimented with his jumping abilities. Otherwise, he might have been able to jump up like the other zombies instead of being carried by Du Hang!


Du Hang looked at him, pondered for a moment, and then nodded, saying, “Can jump.”


Wei Xuan let out a long sigh of relief. “I’ll have to practice later. Otherwise, the next time something like that happens… I’ll have to jump up myself. Letting you carry me would be too… too what?” 


Wei Xuan didn’t finish his sentence because when Du Hang heard his words and understood that Wei Xuan didn’t want to be carried, Du Hang suddenly opened his arms and directly pulled Wei Xuan, who was sitting next to him, onto his lap.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I’m not saying you can’t carry me. I mean, sometimes I’ll have to jump up on my own.” 


Wei Xuan clearly felt the emotions emanating from Du Hang, which resembled those of a wronged woman for a thousand years. It sent a shiver down his spine. 


This chill made him immediately understand Du Hang’s current mood, so he quickly explained that he didn’t mean to abandon his loving partner! He just didn’t want to appear embarrassingly carried by someone else when he needed to meet with other zombie leaders or survivors in the future.


With a wooden expression, Du Hang continued to exude resentment and firmly refused to let go. “I carry.”


And so, after failing to obtain any compromise from Du Hang, Wei Xuan had no choice but to compromise himself. He was carried by Du Hang to the neighboring room, where they found three spare cutting boards and returned home. Du Hang then held Wei Xuan as he chopped the lamb bone, prepared the cooking utensils, and cut the lamb into slices, all while refusing to let go.


In the end, Du Hang reluctantly agreed to let Wei Xuan sit on his lap during the meal, but he adamantly refused to let go.


As Wei Xuan added shiitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, and tea tree mushrooms into the big bone soup, he silently repented for his momentary lapse of judgment. How could he have spoken so quickly? Moreover, his zombie boyfriend had become intelligent, which was a good thing, but why was he using that intelligence in such strange ways? Was it because he hadn’t trained him properly, causing him to go astray?


The boiling water in the pot bubbled up, releasing a rich aroma of bone soup that filled the room. Wei Xuan, who had overindulged in lamb the previous day, couldn’t resist the temptation. After all, eating to the point of being full was just a one-night affair. Besides, he didn’t prepare too much meat today; he only intended to satisfy his cravings.


With Wei Xuan’s knife skills, he couldn’t slice the fresh lamb too thin, but the slightly thicker slices made for a more satisfying texture when dipped into the hot pot. As for when he wanted thinner slices, with his current mutated strength, he could simply take out a frozen block of lamb and easily cut thin slices.


If he was worried about his knife skills, he could even go to the nearby grocery store and bring back the slicing machine from the beef and lamb counter! After all, he had plenty of zombie subordinates to help him with it.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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  1. My brain keeps twitching every time I see ‘lamb’. A lamb is a baby sheep, and the meat from it is also called lamb… but the meat from an adult sheep isn’t lamb. It’s mutton. By the description, it was an adult sheep, not a lamb. Lamb and mutton are entirely different… mutton is a very strongly flavored, greasy meat. Lamb is milder and less greasy, making it more popular for eating, rather like the difference between veal (baby cow, very mild and tender) and beef (adult cow, stronger flavor and texture but not as extreme as mutton).