Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh84 - You Can’t Make Conclusions Without Rules


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  1. I thought that the soul was selfish. Staying for 50 years and I was right. His poor “wife” wants nothing to do with him and it is great karma. Like oh noes I feel bad that happend but please do the same thing and get in trouble as well. Stupid Lu baggage.

  2. Wow, look at these two. Not even together yet but Lu Xu and Ji Xiunian already have such a strong tacit understanding _(:3」∠)_

  3. He got what he deserve. Haunting poor women for 50 years. Just like some creepy stalker you can’t get rid of.

    Thank you for the chapter

  4. 😭 Poor wife, to have hard life, lost her child early and have ghost around her for whole 50 years! I wish she would be happy in her next life

    And, Tao Yingbo, please, don’t do something reckless

    thanks for the chapter~

  5. i love that it turns out so realistic and not cringey romantic. enduring that long hardships and being haunted that almost like being shackled as well, poor woman. that man is loving his wife but he is selfish for not looking on her wife’s view. doesn’t letting go also one way to love someone?

  6. The fact that Lu guy kept insisting he can’t leave his poor wife and he had died early is quite annoying, bcuz imo he literally had no reason to stay behind unlike Tao Yingbo who wants justice served. Sure his wife could’ve been one but I’m pretty sure although she was sad, she had accepted he died and moved on.

    Him dying a hero and moving on is better than selfishly staying tangled with mortal ties.

  7. This was such a fresh take on the whole waiting for 50 years situation. So realistic. The guy was really too selfish. I hope Xie An’s punishment isn’t too heavy :/

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. lololol How nice that it didn’t end in some cliché romance ending. After 50 yrs of being watched everywhere… that’s more creepy than romantic :’D Well, at least she could enter the underworld from a different place and won’t see him anymore.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)