Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh79 - The “Song God” Has Arrived


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  1. AHH I think there is a “typo”, shouldn’t the title be: The Scum God Has Arrived?

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  2. Qu Dehui sets himself up for embarrassment, amazing. I hope Lu Xu doesn’t have to take too many “bathroom breaks” to grab souls, it’s not easy to handle a whole district alone

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  3. we think you can challenge your composition skills this time. Believe me, as long as you have the skills, you’ll be okay no matter where you go.”

    Ha. He wants to rope Xu Lele in the composition group since he thinks Xu Lele is naive and simple and then use that rope to hang Xu Lele. Now he saw Lu Xu. Let’s see if he would think Lu Xu is naive so he can manipulate him…

    P.S.: the title should be “The Trash Monster” has arrived and the next chap title should be “The Trash finally returned to the trash can”.

  4. Thanks for the chapter! And omg is Lu Xu gonna be like petty and make like snarky remarks 😭 I can’t wait for the dramaaa