Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh78 - Hurry and Save Them!


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  1. Lu Xu really needs to find a more convenient way of going off to meet clients. I wonder if this dark shadow recognized Lu Xu the way Xie Guihua almost did… Also I wish I knew if this is the same “Xie” as “Xie An”

    Thank you so much for translating! I think there’s a line of repeated Chinese text still in the chapter, in case you missed deleting it <3

  2. 陆煦十分熟稔点进了操作界面,毫不犹豫点了接单,而后对着白泽说了句再见,而后立刻推门进xu entered the 去。 Was left in the text.

    Oh? Who or what was that shadow at the hospital?

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  3. ” After all, death was a naturally occurring phenomenon, and human life had no second chances… ”

    Ji Xiunian: innocent whistling

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Ji Xiunian: !!! I feel like my Lu Xu is in danger! Pops up next chapter to distract the juniors

    ^ I feel like that’s gonna happen~ XD

  5. 陆煦十分熟稔点进了操作界面,毫不犹豫点了接单,而后对着白泽说了句再见,而后立刻推门进xu entered the 去。

    Translator, you missed this part uwu.

  6. Uh oh…

    Lol. Em guessing that the time they’ll open the door, LX is there already. He will probanly say he accidentally fell asleep or smth. HAHAHAHAHAHA


  7. Can we talk about, how that one guy didn’t get isekai’d, because Lu Xu is to good at his job.😂

    Thanks for the chapter 😘