Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh76 - External Help Is Here


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  1. I’m rubbing my hands together like a villain right now… Hehehe, can’t wait to see how this stupid plagiarist is gonna be dealt with by our JiXu CP.

  2. Those two lightning strikes, incredible haha. Can’t wait for justice to be served! I’m still not sure how they’re going to do it, but Lu Xu is great at his job so undoubtedly he will! I’m worried about Fan Zeng though, I really want him to live…

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  3. If Fan Zeng can remain alive till the end of this story I will really be surprised. All the clues are pointing at him dying from overwork…😑

  4. I can’t wait to picture the look on Qu face and the netizens when instructor Tao music sounds familiar but not composed by the shameless Qu

  5. Aish…. I’ve read too much. It has come to an end so soon orz. Oh well, patiently waiting for the next chapters! Thank you for the hard work

  6. “Now that you mention it, it seems to have been a long time since Qu Tianwang released an album, and he hasn’t promoted anything lately. I never thought that he would actually make a reappearance for our show, this really is giving a lot of face.”

    Is Qu Tianwang here supposed to be Qu Dehui ? Or are they indeed different person ?