Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh66 - Nian Ge is Dating?


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    • in shows like this, they usually leave the remaining available spot announcement for last. so they’ll announce ranks 54-3 in batches and then there will be a separate part where they announce the trainees competing for rank #1 & #2. then after they announced who received 1/2, they’ll announce rank #55. it’s just a way to build excitement.

  1. Lu Xu says there wasn’t anything strange because he’s used to it, Ji Xiunian would think it’s because he doesn’t want others getting involved with these things… His mental quality is really good, though, even now he’s more concerned with the kiss aspect of getting life-saving air than…the life-saving, or the deceased, or the clearly supernatural bits haha

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  2. »But Ji Xiunian clearly remembered that the Lu Xu that had come towards him at that time seemed to have carried his own light.« Yeah… I bet it was the light of his phone xDDDD

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

  3. Haha! One smile, and they’re guessing who Ji Xiunian’s date is. More smiles and they might arrange children for him. I found this part so funny because the contestants aren’t that far off. Thanks for the chapter!