Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh67 - First Ranking Release


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Translator's Note

socialist novel by Nikolai Ostrovesky

Translator's Note

birth of an idol is based off of produce 101, so netherworld 101 is the ghost version of produce 101…

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  1. ups~ Ji Xiunian weren’t supposed to hear that. I think the ghosts sometimes forget that he can hear them.

    Thank you for the chapter

  2. Would participating in Netherworld 101 be enough for the F4 to feel fulfilled and pass on? Or does it need to be handling their regrets in reality? I really do like them as characters, they’re great for leaking information exactly like this haha

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  3. I know there’s plot going on… And I should pay attention to it… But all I can think about is the fact that JXN is reluctant to part with LX. HEHEHHE

  4. nian ge hearing haoming speak and asking him about his goal rank really reminds me of yixing teasing yuehua sprouts 😭😭

    thanks for this chapter 🙏

  5. Was suspicious on why i haven’t got notifications of this novel, turns out there were chapters i didn’t read. I now feel sad because i had to remenber all over again the story, but i got happy again because of this novel’s characters.

    Oh well,

    Thank you for the chapter.

  6. Wowowow the way Lu Xu was comforting the trainees haha. also it was so sweet how Xu Lele thought he got eliminated, but actually he made A rank! Thanks for the chapter as always ^-^

  7. I hope Lan Gaojie learned from his experience while he was alive and does better in this 101 idol selection. I also hope that Ji Xiunian doesn’t feel too bad about Lan Gaojie’s passing. Death is a part of life, and it was time for Lan Gaojie to pass on. Thanks for the chapter!