Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh35 - Do You Know What This Means?


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Translator's Note

not making an effort i.e. trying to dig into a big mountain but making no progress

Translator's Note

fans showing crazy love for their idols to the point that if the idol farts then it’s like rainbows to them

Translator's Note

xu lele is trying to say they’re ‘harvesting’ people because they’re going to steal everyone’s fans…

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  1. Omg Lele is so cute!!! And smh that Lan Gaojie really is arrogant -_-* There’s nothing wrong with working hard, wtf is with him… Can’t wait for him to go down

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. The ghosts leaning close to hear the hot gossip about how they’re in the building makes me laugh so much. That “Head Harvester” name would be quite appropriate for our resident grim reaper, too

    Thank you for translating! <3

  3. I have a feeling this is gonna become a mess 😂😂

    Xu Lele is too cute

    Thank you for the chapter!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Nian ge giving a thumbs up secretly to F4 was kinda cute :3

    And I like the name Head Harvester more >3 It suits LX harhar~

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  5. Lele is so cute😍😍😍. But I won’t be hoodwinked! There is something suspicious about him🤔. Not in a bad way of course. I just think that maybe, just maybe, he is not human??? IDK, I just get that feeling from him. 🤷

  6. y’all, why did I tear up when Lu Xu spoke of “in places we cant see, others are giving more effort” and he looked at the ghost F4?! I legit got emotional. and then Nian gives them a thumb up ;((

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  7. It took me a while to understand that Head Harvester sounded gory, too much horror novels are not good for me. 😬

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. Lele…. four out of five of the ghosts in this building are just right next to you HAHAHAHAHAHA

    thanks for the chapter!!! Can’t wait to meet that medium ‘who came back from the dead’….

  9. It’s so funny. Every time Xu Lele tries to share a secret, it’s something Lu Xu and us readers know about already. Invited a special master? Heard about that last chaoter. There are ghosts in the building? Old news. Lan Gaojie is so frustrating. Success is sweeter if you work for it. And as someone who tried and failed, he should understand what it means to work hard even without much chance of success. Chasing a dream despite the odds still deserves some respect. Whereas cheating… well I think the team choosing results show that artificial success doesn’t mean that much. Thanks for the update!