Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh36 - I Really Want To See Him


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Translator's Note

crosstalk (相声) is a form of chinese entertainment in which usually two people have a conversation as a comedic routine

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  1. I wonder if this Master Lai has anything to do with the case that wasn’t processed all that time ago? I have a feeling meeting Lu Xu won’t go too well for him, but I don’t know how Lu Xu could do anything out of the ordinary and still keep his cover

    Thank you for translating! <3

  2. I want to see how he’ll react to Lu Xu. It feels like something fun is approaching!!

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  3. Just thinking about the moment when Nian ge finds out about LX’s real identity and then thinks of all the rainbow farts he’s blowing nonstop… I’m laughing so hard ahahahaha.

    Next time they’ll finally meet.

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  4. Master Lai seems suspicious. If he’s not the real deal then it would be hilarious for a conman who tried to ripped off infront of a real grim repear 😂

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  5. ji xiunian is really too cute. i’m so in love with both mc and ml.

    thanks for the chapter!

  6. I’m guessing Bai Mei used to eat ghost energy. what is it called? ying energy?

    30 years? an unusual long time for a common cat xD

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  7. This so called ‘master’ is suspicious. Will he be a real, or fake one? If real, what would be his reaction to seeing a Grim Reaper? I’m really excited to see it! Also, Ba Mei is soo cute! 🐱❤😍

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. I agree with Ji Xiunian. This Master Lai is suspicious. Hahaha! Is Ba Mei older than Ji Xiunian? I wonder how Ji Xiunian would react if Lu Xu ever told him the truth. He genuinely seems to be a nice guy. He’s even taking the risk of seeming crazy to protect Lu Xu. Not that Lu Xu needs any protection from ghosts. But I can see why Ji Xiunian has so many fans.

  9. brainhole: ba mei ate unkind souls and is a super awesome kitty, meoww~~

    thank you for the chapter!

  10. I feel like this Master Lai has something to do with that one trainee that could also see the ghosts