Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh24.2 - Are These Ratings Really Real?


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Translator's Note

the type of haircut that has the sides clipped very short

Translator's Note

straight man in this context is a term that denotes a man who has more toxic masculinity/chauvinistic/no homo

Translator's Note

someone who is a fan just bc of looks

Translator's Note

antis but a lot of them follow the idol just as much so

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  1. Ba Mei is so cute!!! That’s it, forget about canon couples, I ship Master Grim Reaper with Adorable Kitty Ba Mei!

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  2. The cat is so cute!!

    No wonder rating was that high…all TV’s are playing the show


    Thanks for the chapter.

  3. Why, are jealous?~

    Rip premature death (he’s already dead tho)

    Thank you for the chapter!! ❤️❤️

  4. Poor Xiao Se, she was just looking into the future and just wanted to join the fujoshi camp lolol And no wonder the ratings were so high with all the ghost interference xDD

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  5. WTF BA MEI IS SO CUTE??? I mean, I knew he was always cute but this?? WOW I DID NOT EXPECT THIS LVL OF GODLY CUTENESS I LOVE HIM SM ><

    And lmaoooo LX’s fans aren’t limited to the living so ofc he’ll catch fire!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  6. I just had the biggest smile while reading Bai Mei’s part. My niece even said “what are you smiling at?”

    Too cute, ah. Too cute!

    Thanks for the chapter <3


    And I’m laughing so hard!!!!! That Xiao Se was bonked to hornie jail 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. ahhh amazing!!

    our grim reaper deserves to be the top trending!!

    Ba mei running off to find Lu Xu is so cuteee!

    thank you for the updates!

  9. Ahhh! Stan Ba Mei. That black fan actually became an iron fan. I am so amused. All the ghosts rooting for their grim reaper was great. Thanks for the update!

  10. “Northwest Grim Reaper Bureau’s territory.” Isn’t it Southwest??? Or is this the author’ s typo???

    Omg Bai Mei is so cute 💞💞💞

    Thanks for the chapter € ^ *^)/// ~~ ♡♡♡♡♡

  11. It will really become an urban legend once there is an episode of ‘Birth of an Idol’ and all the televisions will suddenly change channels at every 8 o’clock 👻👻👻